Paul Mckenna, Breen, Bandler - NLP Master Practitioner Notes.pdf

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SATURDAY 20/03/99
SATURDAY 20/03/99.
Welcome and Presentation.
Meet three people.
Go for ugly people as well.
Logistical information.
Valuable - Public place.
Mobile phone, watches, except pacemakers.
Be on time.
Name badge.
Drink water, no hang-overs for good learning.
Fire exits.
Preferences for learning - posture, territorial with chair: change chairs, move your ass around
except for hearing and seeing impairments.
AA books coming.
Welcome to people from other countries - Anyone from Kensington in case we need a lift.
Presentation of Staff members.
Info on Training.
How it is different.
Master is not better, it is just more material.
Learning doesn't come in level.
Prac. Seminar learning techniques as they were developed.
University learning (experts, knowing about) vs. NLP learning.
Master Prac. Seminar: How to work with the principles through applying the principles.
Create opportunity to try things out and make mistakes. Safe environment. No technical stuff
you can read in books. Only obligation is to bring the other person alive!!!
You will eventually be able to invent new things.
Pattern of learning is quite different. Applying the process of NLP to teaching NLP.
Do NLP vs. talking about NLP.
The conscious mind messes around with learning.
Turn the attention outside, where the information is, not to the inside.
"I understand!" means "I have stopped questioning."
The strongest drive of human being is not survival, it is the avoidance of the unfamiliar, of the
new [Virginia Satir].
Feeling an sensation of uneasiness is learning something new. "Dive into the abyss."
Michel Thomas: learn any language in 5 days, using unconscious learning process.
Bandler figured the seven rules of comedy.
Have fun while learning. As when you go to Disneyland, you learn geography easily.
Endorphins and laughter.
Starting to Laugh.
Pull your bigger smile with a sound to the person next to you.
Repeat with a "Ting." as in the toothpaste commercial.
Great in the tube to keep nuts away, in the office, with Jehova witnesses.
We will wantonly and viciously be making people feel good for no good reason .
If you want somebody to go somewhere, YOU go first.
Circle your finger and put them backwards to make goggles, while saying "Hau!!!, Hau!!!"
Excellent for breaking a process, a pattern. Example of interrupting a blocked meeting
(slamming your hands on the table before and afterwards saying what they should do and
how). And people won' t remember, because they don't have a program for unexpected
Knowing when to interrupt and how to interrupt is a very important skill.
You have to loosen to let the creativity go.
Work during sleep, dreams.
"As the days/daze go by. You are here/hear with me."
About Bandler. "Don't try to figure it out, just sit back and relax."
Before the break, you are a secret agent, you'll have to make other people (like the ones
serving coffee) smile and feel good for no good reason. CB .
Program yourself to be alive and kicking when you are tired.
Strategy for starting meetings making people laugh first.
Stories on stupidity:
1. Rich psychiatrist who was trying to find himself in India.
2. It is illegal to commit suicide in the USA. Policeman shooting the guy jumping off the the
Golden-Gate bridge.
"I always get to know the latest news about the President's penis."
"If you ask the wrong questions you get the wrong information."
To get a high (under drugs) person to calm down, reminding them about their past
experiences when they calmed down.
WITH suicidal person, pull a gun and point it to them. When they go "Hey, stop! wait a
minute.", anchor that sensation/state.
If you keep talking about depression, you have to get into the depression state to talk about it
and get even more depressed.
I hope you stay here/hear (while touching your ear) all week long.
Anchor the confusion state, when people go "Hu-hum?!"
Nervo-linguistic vs. Neuro-linguistic --> "If it doesn't fit your model of the word, distort it!"
"Freedom is not about having new things to feel bad about, it is about having choice."
"All generalizations will destroy themselves at some point in time." "Words are not the actual
experience itself."
If you cut a hologram in half all the information stays, except it looses brightness. This is the
reason why "if you do not use your whole brain, you are not bright. ha, ha, ha."
"It is not that fear is bad, it is just that is has to be useful." There are good times to have fear,
like when you see a beautiful woman through the opposite window, and you are married.
"Whatever feeling feels good, just double it!!!"
Look at my/your fingers, and the more you look the more tired your eyes feels, and the closer
the finger get the more your eyes get tired and want to close but stick wide open, and when
your finger will touch your eyeballs you will _____ (fill in the blank with the suggestion)
"If you don't feel good how is your client going to feel good. If you do nor believe you can
solve any problem, how can he do?"
Think about a time when you were feeling reaaaally gooood!!! Now double it. Where does that
good feeling come from? Where does it go? (Down?). From your shoulder/back of your neck
to either back where it started or to another place (chest, feet, top of the head.).
You think about someone and the phone rings, and it's that person!!
Whenever you start to feel bad, don't keep that feeling, just shoot it out.
The mantra, as an inside voice, with a demonic voice saying: "Your ass is mine!!! Your ass is
"Personal power is the ability to know what you can do well and what you cannot, [yet!]."
"Rejection comes as a relief." if a person treats you badly when you go to meet them. "Just be
happy you did not marry the wrong person, i.e. them."
When you make decisions when you are feeling bad, then you make bad decisions.
To make good decisions you have to feel good for no good reason.
When you wake up in the morning you should think: "Wow, am I going to survive another day
in Paradise? There are so many choices so many opportunities out there!"
"Hesitation is the disease of this planet!"
We have not practiced enough feeling good. We do not know how good we can really feel.
If/when you smile and laugh you activate the release of serotonine and endorphins.
When you fear something, turn your fear around and make it spin the other way round. Then
focus on the points under your eyes (1 inch below eyeballs) for determination. Then you can
learn about what made you have fear, thus the more you fear, the more you can learn.
When you hear: "This is impossible!" it means "It's going to be easy!"
SUNDAY 21/03/99.
Context setup for Hypnosis.
The crowd seems to think with just ONE mind.
Everything is hypnosis.
You can slowdown time (like when you are in a hurry in a queue at the bank) for baseball
hitting, for F1 driving.
You can speed up time (like when are connected with internet).
Stanford research [Hillgard] with standardized tape recording for induction: 30% of population
would go into trance in spite of the rigid induction.
Deep trance phenomena are: time distortion, amnesia, negative and positive hallucinations,
pain anesthesia.
There is not such a thing as deep trance. It is just a label to describe a range of subjective
Trance: "Loss of the multiplicity of the foci of attention." [Erickson].
Watching TV therefore is being into a trance.
Plastic surgeon: "Before you go into a trance (presupposition) I would like you to remember a
very delicate surgery you have been doing."
When you drive you think about many things but do not remember the last portion of the trip.
Old approach was authoritarian (command hypnosis); but if you stop smoking then you would
start eating the next day, because it has nor been done ecologically.
From state of relaxation to a state intense of focus, reverie.
Political rallies, rock concerts; people are transfixed.
Daydreaming (Einstein, Tesla, Disney) is very similar to hypnosis. A place where you could
get ideas
[Book about the two brain hemispheres: "The mind's past." by Michael Gazzaniga].
Command hypnosis is great for stage hypnosis, but for a therapeutic purpose the emphasis is
too much on the operator.
In a communication 7% words, 38% tone of voice, 55% body language.
First Induction Technique.
First you pace the person's breathing rhythm with the tone of you voice and then you lead by
slowing down.
You don't have to pace every breath, just the bulk of it.
Demo on stage with assistant pacing breathing by raising hand.
"Take a deep breath in, and close your eyes, and now relax, and now relax your eyes, and
now relax your mouth."
Laugh back (ecoposturale), "(.) you are laughing, some people relax by laughing, and keep
relaxing." Always incorporate whatever happens "(.) that's right and as/the more you ______
(whatever happens) (as if you had meant it was to happen) the deeper you relax." [Erickson].
The operator has to go into a trance first, to lead the other person there.
When waking up the person, speak louder.
Downwards inflexion tend to have a commanding effect.
Group of 3, 5 min. per role.
Incorporate the weight of the glasses, the weight of the head, the shaking of the ground, the
need to swallow, etc.
'Yes-set' and truism.
If you get an agreement on three statements, you are more likely to get an agreement on the
fourth statements. Also nod with your head while making the statements.
Linking words: AND, AS, WHILE, BECAUSE.
Sales people, politicians, commercial.
If cannot hear, see, or be aware or anything then you are probably dead! (not hypnotized).
Second Induction Technique.
Demo on stage: Interrupting handshake then "Look at your hand, and notice the changing
focus of your eyes, and as you eyes blink (which will happen anyway)/ [just as fast as your
eyes close], and as your hand moves towards your leg, ______ (positive suggestions, double
it, double it), as when you hand touches your leg you will wake up bringing all those good
feelings with you, now!"
Stage hypnotists have a state of compliance. People come to be hypnotized. Presuppositions
right from the beginning.
Everybody is suggestible. "Beanz Meanz Heinz.", "What colour is the carpet?"- "How do you
know?"- "Somebody told you." Start yawning in a meeting, and soon other will do as well.
To pick up a person in public have them do something as stick their hands together, and pick-
up someone who is very compliant.
You don't need to use hypnosis to have people do almost anything (experiments in social
psychology). Words can be more manipulative than hypnosis. A doctor will manipulate your
leg to help you out. Manipulation is not bad.
Hypnosis is everywhere, for example 'supermarket hypnosis' when a person is deciding
between two different can brands.
A stage hypnotist relies on the fact that some of the people will do what you want and then
convince other to comply. Social pressure is used. Ex. of not giving money to the beggar in
the NY underground because the other ones did not.
Waking up every morning laughing might not always be appropriate. Better wake up in the
morning feeling really good and full of energy.
Spielberg sometimes cannot eat breakfast in the morning because he is sooo excited about
the day ahead.
Have the person relax, go back to a state of feeling wonderful and have it generalize to every
single morning in their future when they wake up
Nice induction truisms and presuppositions: "As you make those little adjustments.", "You
know what it is like to go into a deep trance.", "I don't know if you are going to get into a deep
trance now or later.", "You unconscious mind will surprise you giving a thought, a sound, a
You can have a soft voice but convey a sense of intensity; you have to go there first.
Truism use: "You like to feel good, don't you, you like to have fun, so you would like to go out
to the cinema tonight!"
Make truism appropriate to the context, "you've come here today.", "we are in the hallway.",
etc. CB .
Submodalites accessing cues.
The same pattern you use to "close your front door." (i.e. going inside) is the one that other
people will use.
We are going to throw away all the labels (mother, manager.) to focus on the internal
processes of human beings.
Another (different) way to close your front door is to imagine a black piece of paper just in
front of your eyes. The breathing slows down, there is less movements when people
hallucinates, just like that!
We are going to see what happens on the body in connection to the submodalities.
Invite to think about a pleasant situation that is important to the person (something they enjoy,
something they would like to do more), and notice the change in their body/gesture.
When you ask a question you have to observe the person for change, transition, movement,
then take a note of it (of everything) (head tilting, shuffling, moving the eyes).
Then compare to the things in common for all of three persons.
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