Kaos edited by Joel Biraco.pdf

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Edited by Joel Biroco
A Coecton of Sacred Magck | The Esoterc Lbrary | www.sacred-magck.com
“I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters:
with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the
earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.”
Ben Fernee, the Caliphate OTO, and the “Black Magus of Manchester” a
air ...... 75
A Coecton of Sacred Magck | The Esoterc Lbrary | www.sacred-magck.com
“Zack Carson” and The Pro
The cult of Chaos conjoined with Babalon
years. Despite the intensity of the working, and the sense of triumph I felt and expressed
in KAOS 13, I knew even then that I would be leaving, for in the wake of the working
I sensed but could not then quite express that despite this triumph I had ultimately
failed in the occult task set me, simply because no-one understood me, no-one was
ready for what we had done, or few were, not enough at any rate. Or sometimes I even
felt that I had been betrayed by the occult force that had led me… up the garden path
it seemed by a series of ever more seductive illusions. It appeared only a handful of
people really understood the complex matters I was dealing with, which, in turn, were
expressed from various states of inspired demonic madness.
A girl called “Amodali”—her magical and stage name—was Babalon, I was Chaos.
Looking back over KAOS 13 recently it dawned on me that even though she was the
muse for that issue I never actually wrote much about her. For the sake of documenting
underground occult history it occurs to me it is time to make good that omission.
Amodali, who I lost touch with after KAOS - BABALON in 1989 and who is still known by
that name, is now “Mother Destruction” with her partner Patrick O’Kill (formerly of
the band “Death in June”), a goth band working with the Norse Seidr, a seething
shamanic sexual trance gnosis. In early 1988 Amodali wrote to me in London from
Amsterdam, where she had picked up some issues of KAOS , and asked me to forward a
package to Nema in the US, prophetess of the Ma’at current. Her covering letter to me
was written on the back of a colour xerox of a photograph of herself naked, on all fours,
her body hand-tinted emerald green, third eye headband, and a couple of strands of
black hair against her white-powdered face. She later admitted that this photograph
was intended as a spell to totally captivate me. It worked. She identi
ed herself by the
number 156, the number of both Babalon and Chaos by Hebrew gematria. I was
A Coecton of Sacred Magck | The Esoterc Lbrary | www.sacred-magck.com
An explanation for my long absence is called for. I left the occult “scene” in 1989 after
what has become known as the KAOS - BABALON working, after editing KAOS for
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