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Finds in Belize document Late Classic Maya salt making and canoe transport
Heather McKillop
2005;102;5630-5634; originally published online Apr 4, 2005;
This information is current as of January 2007.
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Finds in Belize document Late Classic Maya salt
making and canoe transport
Heather McKillop*
Deptartment of Geography and Anthropology, Louisiana State University, 227 Howe-Russell Geoscience Building, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-4105
Edited by Jeremy A. Sabloff, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia, PA, and approved March 9, 2005
(received for review November 18, 2004)
How did people in preIndustrial ancient civilizations produce and
distribute bulk items, such as salt, needed for everyday use by their
large urban populations? This report focuses on the ancient Maya
who obtained quantities of salt at cities in the interior of the
Yucatan peninsula of Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala in an area
where salt is scarce. I report the discovery of 41 Late Classic Maya
saltworks ( anno Domini 600 –900) in Punta Ycacos Lagoon on the
south coast of Belize, including one with the first-known ancient
Maya canoe paddle. The discoveries add important empirical in-
formation for evaluating the extent of surplus salt production and
river transport during the height of Late Classic civilization in the
southern Maya lowlands. The discovery of the saltworks indicates
that there was extensive production and distribution of goods and
resources outside the cities in the interior of the Yucatan. The
discovery of a wooden canoe paddle from one of the Punta Ycacos
saltworks, Ka’k’ Naab’, ties the production of salt to its inland
transport by rivers and documents the importance of canoe trade
between the coast and the interior during the Late Classic. Archae-
ological discovery of multiple saltworks on the Belizean coast
represents surplus production of salt destined largely for the
inland Peten Maya during their Late Classic peak, underscoring the
importance of non-state-controlled workshop production in pre-
Industrial societies.
artifacts included the fragmentary remains of jars and bowls used
to boil seawater to produce loose salt or salt cakes. One of the
vessel supports was embedded at an angle in a clay base
indicating the positioning of the vessel supports. Excavations at
the Stingray Lagoon saltworks revealed a large fire hearth of
charcoal, along with salt-making pots. Measurements of pottery
indicated the salt pots were standardized in their dimensions,
suggesting the mass production of salt. The previous study also
shows variability among the four saltworks, suggesting that there
were distinct work groups. However, with only four saltworks,
the extent of production along the coast and its potential impact
for supplying the Maya at the interior cities were undetermined.
Was there enough salt produced by the boiling method along
the coast of Belize to satisfy the inland demand for this basic
daily necessity during the Late Classic? The boiling method was
a common method of making salt historically and ethnograph-
ically worldwide (4, 5). Salt was produced by the same method
elsewhere along the Belize coast at Northern River Lagoon,
Ambergris Cay, Kakalche, and Placencia (3, 6–9). The Belize
coast was closer to the Late Classic area of Maya civilization in
the southern Maya lowlands than the salt f lats on the northern
coast of the Yucatan, where salt was produced by solar evapo-
ration (6, 10). If the Belize coast supplied salt for the Late Classic
inland Maya, then there was bulk transport from the coast to the
interior, arguably by boat from the coast along rivers to the
interior of the Yucatan.
Sixteenth century Spanish explorers to Central America dis-
rupted ancient Maya canoe trade and travel that had endured for
more than a millennium (Fig. 1). This travel included sea trade
around the Yucatan (11–13) but also shorter-distance travel
along inland waterways in Belize, Mexico, and Guatemala,
supplying the Maya in the interior at large urban cities with
marine resources (8, 14, 15). Settlement of offshore islands
underscores ancient Maya familiarity with boats and sea travel.
Boats were necessary for transportation to island sites located off
the coasts of Belize and the Yucatan, including near-shore
islands, such as Isla Cerritos, Wild Cane Cay, Moho Cay, and
Frenchman’s Cay (14–17), islands located farther from the
mainland, such as Ambergris Cay, and Cozumel (8, 13), sites
ancient Maya
canoe trade workshop production
saltworks in Punta Ycacos Lagoon on the south coast of
Belize adds a new dimension to our understanding of economies
in ancient civilizations. The research shows that there was
extensive production outside urban areas and beyond the control
of the dynastic royal Maya leaders in those cities. Entrepreneurs
in southern Belize located saltworks near the natural resource,
the sea. They produced a surplus for trade in response to the
needs of urban consumers in the interior of the Yucatan
peninsula where salt, a basic biological necessity, was scarce.
Activities at the saltworks focused on the production of salt by
workers who lived at nearby coastal settlements. Production was
beyond the control of the Late Classic Maya state at cities in the
interior of the Yucatan. Bulk inland transport of salt along rivers
by canoe is supported by the discovery of a full-sized wooden
canoe paddle at K’ak’ Naab’, one of the Punta Ycacos saltworks.
This type of production contrasts to the workshops attached
to royal courts at Maya cities, where elite goods were produced
for the dynastic Maya leaders and other elites (1). The saltworks
also are distinct from the cottage industry style of household
workshops at Colha, where stone tools were mass-produced for
trade (2). Colha and the Punta Ycacos saltworks were located
outside urban areas near natural resources used in workshop
production and reveal the extent of non-state-controlled pro-
duction in the ancient Maya and other civilizations.
km offshore on the Belize barrier reef, such as Hunting Cay, and
sites on atolls beyond the reef.
Although no full-size wooden canoes have been recovered
from ancient Maya sites, there are artistic depictions of ancient
Maya canoes, including fisher folk paddling canoes shown on a
mural from Chichen Itza (18) and mythical figures paddling
canoes that are incised on bones from a burial from Tikal (19).
In addition, there are miniature models of boats from Altun Ha,
Moho Cay, and from two saltworks in Punta Ycacos Lagoon (3,
15, 20). Together with the settlement of offshore islands, various
canoe-related artifacts from the Maya region indicate that the
ancient Maya traveled by canoe. However, this evidence does not
Saltworks previously discovered in Punta Ycacos Lagoon, a large
salt water lagoon in Paynes Creek National Park, Belize, were
marked by the presence of artifacts on the seaf loor (3). The salt
This paper was submitted directly (Track II) to the PNAS office.
*E-mail: hmckill@lsu.edu.
© 2005 by The National Academy of Sciences of the USA
5630 –5634
April 12, 2005
vol. 102
no. 15
T he discovery of 41 Late Classic ( anno Domini 600–900) Maya
red mangroves ( Rhizophora mangle ). The actual rise in sea level
is recorded by Holocene deposits of mangrove peat up to 9 m
deep that accumulated as seas rose within the Belize barrier reef
inshore lagoon (3, 22–24). Sediment coring below the f loor of
Punta Ycacos Lagoon in 2004 indicates mangrove peat extends
to at least 4.3 m deep, the maximum extent of the coring
instrument. The peat is overlain by 10–30 cm of loose silt.
The land-based archaeological technique of pedestrian survey
was used to search for sites in the lagoon, with a team of four
persons walking or snorkeling on f lotation devices at arm’s
length back and forth across the lagoon, looking for artifacts on
the sea f loor. Snorkeling improved visibility of the seaf loor
because the bottom silt was not disturbed. Sites were identified
by the presence of pottery. The location of underwater sites was
recorded with a global positioning system. A transit was set up
in the lagoon at a datum marked by a 4-ft (1 ft
0.3 m) length
2.54 cm) polyvinyl chloride pipe to begin
mapping the distribution of remains at discovered sites.
New Sites. Forty-one new sites were found during the underwater
survey in Punta Ycacos Lagoon, bringing the total number of
underwater sites in the lagoon to 45, which were all engaged in
some aspect of salt production. The sites were identified by
concentrations of potsherds on the seaf loor. Twenty-three of the
sites were embedded in mangrove peat in the eastern arm of the
lagoon. The remaining sites were in the loose silt overlying
the peat elsewhere in the lagoon. The peat in the eastern arm of
the lagoon provided a matrix for the preservation of wood,
including wooden buildings, a paddle, and other wooden objects,
along with the pottery.
Fig. 1. Map of theMaya area showing sites mentioned in the text. (Courtesy
of Mary Lee Eggart.)
Wooden Buildings. Wooden structures associated with salt pro-
duction at 23 sites provide insight into the infrastructure for the
production and distribution of salt in the Late Classic. Previous
salt production in Punta Ycacos and elsewhere on the Belizean
coast appeared to be an outdoor activity. Moreover, the ephem-
eral remains of potsherds hidden underwater in the modern
landscape suggested that salt production was quite limited in
extent, which was clearly not the case. The wooden buildings
indicate that there was substantial infrastructure associated with
salt production and a durable presence in the ancient world. The
discovery of the Punta Ycacos wooden structures is a compelling
reason to search for ancient sites in environmental conditions
that preserve wood and other perishable materials, given that,
before this discovery, no ancient wooden buildings had been
found in the Maya area.
The wooden architecture at the Paynes Creek sites is defined
by wooden posts, beams, and other construction wood. Several
posts were excavated to verify their cultural nature and to take
wood samples for radiocarbon dating and wood species identi-
fication. The excavated posts were straight and up to a meter in
length, with a sharpened end placed into the ground. Post
diameters ranged from 20 to 30 cm. The posts were fresh in
appearance, retaining the original light brown color of the wood,
although waterlogged. The posts were driven into the mangrove
peat, which provided an anaerobic and slightly acidic (pH 5)
matrix for the preservation of wood.
The largest structure is at Chak Sak Ha Nal, where 112 wooden
posts define the exterior walls of a rectangular wooden building
address the question of whether goods were transported by canoe
to inland cities or over land by human porters.
Research Questions
With only four saltworks in Punta Ycacos Lagoon and other
saltworks farther north along the coast of Belize, the extent of
salt production on the coast of Belize was unknown, so that it was
unclear whether or not they could have supplied enough salt for
the interior cities at the height of Late Classic civilization. The
organization of production was geared toward the mass produc-
tion of salt (3), but the extent of production in terms of the
number of saltworks was unknown. A systematic search of Punta
Ycacos Lagoon was initiated in 2004 to locate additional salt-
works and, thus, to evaluate the extent of salt production on the
coast of Belize and the potential for surplus production for trade
inland to supply the salt needs at Late Classic cities in the interior
of the Yucatan. Still, the question of how bulk quantities of salt
were transported from the coast to interior cities remained.
Methods of the 2004 Survey
The 2004 systematic underwater survey of Punta Ycacos Lagoon
began in the eastern arm of the lagoon, where water is a
maximum of 1 m in depth. Previous fieldwork on the south coast
of Belize revealed inundated terrestrial sites on the coast, on
offshore cays (islands), and in shallow coastal waters (3, 21). Late
Classic Maya sites were inundated by a sea-level rise, leaving the
modern landscape a typical mangrove ecosystem dominated by
12 m. Inside the structure, there are 31 posts
forming interior rooms and other construction wood, including
beams and other horizontally placed wood whose arrangement
remains to be mapped. Late Classic pottery sherds, including
salt-making artifacts, are abundant inside the structure but not
beyond, which indicates that the structure was used in some
aspect of salt production, storage, or transportation. Other sites
have walls demarcated by lines of posts, isolated posts, and other
April 12, 2005
vol. 102
no. 15
of 0.5-inch (1 in
6090158.005.png 6090158.006.png
Fig. 2. Photograph of paddle from K’ak’ Naab’, Belize. ( Inset ) Close-up view of paddle blade.
construction wood, along with abundant salt-making artifacts.
Detailed mapping of the wooden structure and associated
pottery at Chak Sak Ha Nal and the other saltworks will
elucidate the size, layout, and variability of the wooden struc-
tures and the patterning of artifacts used in salt production.
have been produced by a chert adze recovered from the site. The
upper edge of the blade f lares at a 90-degree angle to the shaft.
The blade extends 8 cm from the shaft on one side, but only 2
cm on the other side. The blade of the paddle is rounded at the
tip. A raised area on one side of the blade, 1.40 cm high,
continues the shape of the shaft.
The paddle was carved from a species of Manilkara , probably
Manilkara sapote in the family Sapotaceae. Although water-
logged, the wood is fresh in appearance, preserving the original
light brown color of the wood. Sapotaceae wood also was
identified fromLate Classic midden deposits at the nearby island
community of Wild Cane Cay (25). A wooden spear from Actun
Polbilche cave, Belize, was made from M. sapote (26). Although
M. sapote is better known for its sap that provided chicle for
chewing gum, the wood is a durable hardwood. Deciduous
hardwoods do not grow in the mangrove ecosystem surrounding
the lagoon or on the adjacent pine savanna (27). However, they
form the rainforest south of Punta Ycacos Lagoon, along Deep
Radiocarbon dating and analysis of associated ceramics date
Belize salt production and canoe travel to the height of Late
Classic Maya civilization, when the demand for salt was greatest
in the interior cities of the Peten. A radiocarbon date of 1,300
Salt-Making Artifacts. Pottery used in salt production dominates
the ceramics, which resemble ceramics from the previous study
(3). These ceramics includes potsherds from bowls and jars used
to boil seawater in pots over fires and solid clay cylinders used
to support the pots over fires. Most of the clay cylinders were
fragmentary, with two complete cylinders measuring 32 and 33
cm in length, respectively, indicating the height vessels were
placed above a fire. Clearly, with 45 saltworks, an infrastructure
including wooden structures, and the potential for discovery of
additional saltworks in areas of the lagoon not yet surveyed, salt
production was indeed extensive.
K’ak’ Naab’ Paddle. The recovery of a wooden canoe paddle from
the K’ak’ Naab’ site ties the production of salt in Paynes Creek
to its transportation by canoe. In the absence of any ancient
Maya wooden canoes, the paddle represents previously unchar-
acterized primary evidence of prehistoric Maya boat travel and
navigation. The K’ak’ Naab’ site has a wooden structure con-
taining salt-making artifacts, with the paddle nearby. Potsherds
extend over an area of 10 15 m and are embedded in the
mangrove peat. The paddle blade protruded from the mangrove
peat into the overlying silt. The edge of the paddle blade in the
silt was worm-eaten, but the remainder of the paddle was
undamaged. Eight wooden posts found in the preliminary survey
at K’ak’ Naab’ are similar in diameter (20–30 cm) and fresh in
appearance, like posts at other sites in the lagoon.
Similar in shape to paddles shown in artistic depictions
elsewhere in the Maya area (18, 19), the K’ak’ Naab’ paddle
shows the actual size of paddles used by the Late Classic Maya:
Carved from a single piece of wood, the paddle is 1.43 m long,
with a round shaft that is 5 cm in diameter (Fig. 2). The grip is
rounded and smooth, with f laking scars visible, such as could
40 B.P. (sample no. Beta-192705, Beta Analytic, Miami) from a
sample of the grip end of the paddle concurs with the age of the
associated ceramics from K’ak’ Naab’. The radiocarbon age of
the paddle, corrected by 13C 12C, with a 2 sigma calibration is
calculated at anno Domini (A.D.) 680–880. A radiocarbon date
of 1300
60 B.P. (sample no. Beta-192704, Beta Analytic,
Miami) from a wooden post at the nearby Sak Nuk Naj saltworks
corroborates the Late Classic age. The radiocarbon age of the
post, corrected by 13C 12C, with a 2 sigma calibration is
calculated at A.D. 670–960. Both dates are within the range of
the calibrated radiocarbon date of A.D. 670–870 (2 sigma;
sample no. Beta-69869, Beta Analytic, Miami) from the Stingray
Lagoon site (Fig. 1), which is located in the larger western arm
of the lagoon (3). The radiocarbon dates fit with the Late Classic
age of the ceramics. No earlier or later ancient Maya sites or
Fig. 3. Classic Maya paddles depicted on incised bone from Burial 116 in Temple 1 from Tikal. (Courtesy of Mary Lee Eggart.)
historic sites were discovered. There is no evidence of modern
settlement or use of the shallow eastern arm of the lagoon.
fires, as indicated by the abundant broken salt-making pottery
vessels inside the structures.
The discovery of the K’ak’ Naab’ paddle ties the production of
salt to its transport in canoes. The paddle is new evidence about
the size and technology of Late Classic Maya canoe paddles and
the first primary evidence of water-borne navigation of the
ancient Maya, corroborated by artistic depictions (18, 19, 28).
Radiocarbon dates and ceramics link the paddle and Late
Classic salt-making sites together in time, which helps make the
case that bulked surplus was produced for transport. The abun-
dance of salt-making artifacts and the lack of domestic refuse,
burials, and food remains, in contrast to their common recovery
at settlements on the coast, indicates that the saltworks were
places where salt was produced for use elsewhere. The extent of
Late Classic coastal salt production occurred when there was the
greatest demand for salt at inland cities. The coastal saltworks
were abandoned at the same time as the collapse of the Late
Classic civilization in the southern Maya lowlands and the
abandonment of the inland cities. Settlement continued on the
coast, where salt making was associated with part of household
production at Wild Cane Cay and Frenchman’s Cay, island
trading ports near Punta Ycacos Lagoon.
Several lines of evidence link this surplus salt and the Peten
interior. The presence of unit-stamped pottery (with impressed
decorations on vessel shoulders) and clay figurine whistles from
inland sites at the Paynes Creek saltworks reinforces the signif-
icance of the coastal–inland trade of salt and other commodities
at the height of the Classic Maya civilization. The distribution of
unit-stamped pottery extends from the south coast of Belize to
cities in the interior of Belize and the adjacent Peten of
Guatemala, notably Lubaantun, Pusilha, Seibal, and Altar de
Sacrificios (3). In addition to salt, other resources produced on
the Belize coast include a variety of marine resources in demand
by the inland dynastic Maya, including stingray spines used in
ritual bloodletting, conch shells used as horns (principally queen
conch, Strombus gigas , and Turbinella angulata ), and seafood
(fishes, manatee, and sea turtle), all found at inland cities (3, 14
20, 21). Cacao is grown extensively today on the mainland coast,
with a cacao bean from Frenchman’s Cay indicating its local use
and trade in antiquity. The Late Classic Maya at inland cities also
imported goods and resources from more distant areas, notably
obsidian, a common import to the Late Classic trading port of
Wild Cane Cay off the coast of Punta Ycacos Lagoon (21).
Examples from Art and Ethnohistory. The K’ak’ Naab’ paddle
corroborates the shape of paddles shown in ancient Maya art,
which is different frommodern Maya and other paddles. Artistic
depictions show paddles and their use in canoes, with most
images showing sacred activities, such as the ancient Maya
Paddler Gods’ role in delivering the maize god from the pri-
mordial sea at the moment of the creation of the world. Pictorial
depictions incised on bones from Late Classic Burial 116 in
Temple 1 at Tikal (19) show the Stingray Paddler god and the
Jaguar Paddler god paddling a canoe (Fig. 3). Like the K’ak’
Naab’ paddle, their paddles have a straight handle without an
expanded grip. The blades are straight along the upper side,
rounded at the sides and at the tip. The scene indicates that
Classic Maya held paddles by the shaft, with one hand near the
top and the other hand above the blade. Other artistic depictions
of canoeists paddling are known from Piedras Negras, recording
a Yaxchilan emissary’s trip downstream to attend a ruler’s
accession to the throne (28). Similar paddles are depicted in
a scene on a painted mural dated to the Postclassic at Chichen
Itza (18).
The virtual identity of the artistic depictions of paddles with
the shape of the K’ak’ Naab’ paddle suggests that artistic
representations of canoes in the same images show the accurate
shape of canoes used by the ancient Maya. Miniature models of
boats, similar in shape to the pictorial depictions, have been
recovered from several Classic Maya sites, including canoes
carved from manatee rib bone from Altun Ha and Moho Cay
(15, 20), and examples in clay from Orlando’s Jewfish and
Stingray Lagoon, previously investigated saltworks in the west-
ern arm of Punta Ycacos Lagoon (3).
Implications. The association of the wood structures with abun-
dant salt-making debris is evidence for some kind of storage
facility or production infrastructure. Pottery at the site indicates
that salt was produced by boiling seawater in pots over fires.
Indeed, salt-making may have taken place indoors, as occurs
ethnographically at the modern highland Maya community of
Sacapulas, Guatemala, located at a salt spring (5). The Paynes
Creek wooden buildings were used in the production, storage,
and distribution of salt, made by boiling seawater in pots over
April 12, 2005
vol. 102
no. 15
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