will, going to (poczekaj, aż załadują się obrazy).doc

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'will' vs 'going to'


I will go to the Himalayas.                                                        Pojadę w Himalaje.

(podjęłam taką decyzję, ale różnie może być)

I'm going to go to the Himalayas.                                          Zamierzam pojechać w Himalaje.

(nawet jeśli jeszcze nic nie zaczęłam robić w tym kierunku, to raczej jest szansa na zrealizowanie tego)



'Will' or 'be going to'? Put the verb into the correct form.


1.              Do you think that the biology test _______________ BE very difficult?


2.              Be careful! You ____________________ FALL down from the stairs!


3.              I know that Mark is ill and I ___________________ VISIT him tomorrow morning.


4.              John is not here I'm afraid. Ok then. I ________________ CALL him later.


5.              I've noticed that she was angry at me so I  _________________TALK to her soon.


6.              Oh, you're sick. I ___________________ GO to the pharmacy and get you some medicines.


7.              Be quiet or you ________________ WAKE everyone up!


8.              She is fed up with her old car and she __________________ SELL it soon.


9.              I think Jane ___________________________ NOT/SPEAK to him any more after what he did.


10.              Have you chosen a place for your holiday yet? Yes, we  _________________GO to Greece this year.


11.              She knows he phoned her again but she ______________________ NOT/PHONE him back.


12.              Let's go to the restaurant. We _________________________ PAY for you.


13.              He doesn't know how to use that tool. He ____________________ HURT himself.


14.              I need some help with English. I _______________________ HELP you because I'm good at it.


15.              ______________________ EAT that apple? Can I have it?


16.              Why did she hoover the whole flat? _____________________ HAVE guests tonight?


17.              I've read all my books so I ___________________ BUY some new ones next month.


18.              Mike _____________________ PROBABLY/ARRIVE in Poland tomorrow night.


19.              That window is too high. She ___________________ NOT/REACH it.  _____________________GIVE her a hand, please?


20.              What about your new job offer? Oh, I've made a decision. I ____________________ NOT/TAKE it.






















































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