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Telephone conversations to help improve your listening skills.
Crank Calls
CD tracks 14 to 17 - Mr Bean
and British accents
Here are some more crank calls - those funny telephone calls that are designed
to wind people up . Have fun listening to these two. (Answers on page 24.)
Call I: The Museum
For this call, we called up a natural history museum with an unu-
sual offer. Listen to the conversation and answer this question:
What do we offer the museum?
Call II: The Tree
For this call, we phoned the local council enquiring about the
possible destruction of a tree. Listen to the conversation and
answer this question:
Why does the man want to destroy the tree?
Victim: The Brentworth Natural History Museum. How may I
help you?
Hot: Oh, hello.
Victim: Hello?
Hot: Yes, I was calling up with regard to some stuffed
animals .
Victim: Yes?
Hot: Yes, I have a number of stuffed animals and I was
wondering whether you’d be interested in purchas-
ing a few.
Victim: Well, you’d have to speak with our taxidermist .
Hot: I have a number of interesting specimens .
Victim: What exactly do you have?
Hot: I have approximately 649 stuffed cats .
Victim: Cats? What kind of cats?
Hot: Ordinary cats.
Victim: Ordinary cats? Where did you get them?
Hot: I have acquired them over time. They come in all
shapes and sizes. Lovely creatures, they are.
Victim: Erm, I think I’d better give you the number of…
Hot: So, how much then?
Victim: I really think…
Victim: Hello, Stumpford Council. How may I help you?
Hot: Oh, yes, hello. I am phoning in reference to a tree.
Victim: Yes?
Hot: Yes, there is a tree which is obstructing the view from
my bedroom window.
Victim: Obstructing a view?
Hot: Yes, I am unable to see the house in front of mine.
Victim: Oh, well…
Hot: So, what are you going to do about it?
Victim: Erm, all enquiries related to trees are…
Hot: Well, then how do I apply for permission to destroy
the said tree?
Victim: Well, it’s not that easy. You’ll have to come here and
fill in a form .
Hot: Alternatively, I could just cut it down myself, couldn’t
Victim: I’m afraid you can’t… Hello, sir? Excuse me?
Hot: (Sound of chainsaw .) I beg your pardon? I can’t hear
Victim: Hello? Sir? Hello?
I’m a
real cat.
The view is
much better
to wind someone up exp
to irritate someone
a natural history museum n
a museum that has exhibitions about plants,
animals, dinosaurs, etc
with regard to exp
about; concerning
a stuffed animal n
a dead animal that has been illed with material
so it can be exhibited
I was wondering whether exp
I wanted to know if
to purchase vb
to buy
a taxidermist n
a person who stuffs dead animals (puts material
in them so they can be exhibited)
a specimen n
a single plant or animal which is an example of
that species
a stuffed cat n
a dead cat that has been illed with material in
order to be exhibited
to obstruct a view exp
to prevent you from seeing something out of
your window
an enquiry n
a question about something
to apply for permission to do something exp
to ask oficially if you can do something
to ill in a form exp
to write information on a form and to com-
plete it
to cut something down exp
to use a saw (a metal tool with “teeth”) to cut
a tree so it falls
I’m afraid exp
I’m sorry but
a chainsaw n
an electrical device for cutting trees
For company classes e-mail Page 25
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