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Lee Carroll
Free translation by Anita M., Susan P., Jamie N. - Group Lightworkers
Translated by Anita Manasse, Jamie Noel, Susana Peralta and Camilla Zorzi
Writer ...
Greetings to readers of the series of Kryon and also those who are just beginning the experience of Kryon.
This is the ninth book and perhaps the deepest of the series in regards to fit the new paradigm of energy on
It is important to give a brief explanation for those not familiar with all the information from Kryon. He (we
refer to Kryon with a masculine pronoun simply for convenience) is a non Angeliqueca ... an assistant of the
Earth and not an energy that has been a human on the planet ever. Its purpose is to explain how things are
changing, how things work and also to honor and celebrate the human experience. Each message contains
instructions and explanations of what is happening. Each parable is about us. Each pipeline is uplifting, loving
and helpful.
Many feel it is very strange that a human being channeled messages from an angelic being. Although its
angels have been told to humans throughout the spiritual history recorded, if a report today he's talking to
angels and entities that somehow puts it in the "scary group." I often wonder how it will look in 100 years. Will
it become holy and acceptable to then?
In a way, historical events, no matter how unreal seem, are often fully accepted as spiritual history. The
current experiences exactamenyou the same kind, often put you in the asylum. I guess human nature is well
and discard everything that does not have the stamp of approval of historic importance.
For me, Kryon has given us the impression to the energy needed in which we are now. Any information
leading to our millennium more recent developments of the last year we were given as clues, especially as
parables and metaphorical numerological energy, ready to be interpreted.
Twelve years ago, Kryon Book One, The End Times , Kryon told us that we had changed the paradigm of
the future of Earth. We avoided the Armageddon as prophesied and went to the potential of a new
consciousness on the planet ... one of great promise. He noted that the Earth's magnetic grid would change
to accommodate new skills and said that all wars in the days to come tend to be tribal (seem to be.)
Then he said that up to one cient of the population of the earth should go to achieve all this, hardly a
pleasant fact. ( Kryon Book One. ) Remember that statement about the future?
"... M ost end and will return with new powers. Also, the transition to this new era of self-determination
to be full of changes. Things do not remain the same for none of you ... "
He also gave us the date 1999, saying that this was the time when we could have a leader creates
unbalancedndo chaos ( Kryon Book One. ) This could have been referring to Bosnia or what happened
recently, 11.9. All this occurred in the first Kryon book more than a decade ago.
Indeed, communism itself fell in the late '80s and there was no nuclear war. The timeline for Armageddon
as prophesied happened and many were aware that we had taken a new direction, one that nobody had
As these books were displayed in the new millennium, Kryon gave us a lot of personal information and
methods to find the divinity within. We always said that peace on Earth began with individual work and invited
us to change our DNA. In the books we often spoke of the intensity of the 11:11, when humans gave
permission to change the order predicted. Then came the Book Eight , The last Passing the Marker.
As indicated earlier, the Kryon Book Eight probably gave us more information sobre what we are
experiencing now than any other. Kryon told us that in times to come there would be more hesitant, more
people "sit on the fence." This meant that attitudes could be more "intermediate" about what was happening
on the planet, what would this old versus new.
Kryon said that many "would be torn from the fence. He also said a "clean and jerk back" of apparent
stability and peace and even predicted the potential of Israel uprising in 2000 ( Book Eight Kryon. ) Also used
the term spiritual rage for the first time and also mentioned that we were ready for a battle between old and
new. He said: "There be shocked and surprised if the war ends. In fact, in some cases, the battle has just
begun. "
I think we all shocked and dismayed by the events of 11.9. For America this is a new measuring point ... a
place in time where many will see the end or beginning. You do not have to be New Age or metaphysical to
see the profound power that created this event in our society. Many are calling the "Pearl Harbor" of this
generation and from now on, events in American history today will be seen as "before and after the 11.9".
Even the date itself has become an icon, an abbreviation of grief, horror, anger, change and perhaps
indescribable promise.
Although there was a psychic telephone consultation or a tabloid newspaper that predijese, many asked if
during the last decade Kryon gave some indication that perhaps we were on our way to that kind of change.
Now I feel that the 11.9 was on the radar screen of our potential since 1987. We are now beginning to
understand the meaning of our experience 11:11, in which humanity has asked us if we gave permission
group to mobilize the Earth to the next level (as described in Books One, Three, Six and Seven of Kryon. )
Helpedor to create this tragedy? We have really given permission for it collectively? This question is very
difficult to do. It is very hard to see ... we could all have spiritual responsibility, cellular, for what happened.
In August, a few weeks before the tragedy of 11.9, channeling Kryon in Vancouver referred to the global
unity (reprinted in Chapter 6 of this book.) Listen to what Kryon said about the United States:
"The U.S. is now in its period of mayor learning. Things can not remain the same. They honored those who
understand that major changes are underway. Major changes in all these places will be the old versus the
new. We are here to tell that man who sits here and reads these words is that which can change this. Can
not remain as is. The potential for more creative changes intense came in the year of the three "(2001)
I personally feel that there were signs all the time rspectrum to the potential of our permission 11:11 that
resulted in the event of 11.9. I have been told that there is no predestination. Instead, there are "potential
manifested." Since there is no future for the Spirit (God) and no past, then the very idea of the predictions is
questionable. But the prophets cooperate with our idea of linear time and still give them. They are, therefore,
giving potential, not absolute. To Kryon (an assumption which is given later in this book), everything isto the
"now." What happens is a potential waiting to be expressed or not, and is an energy that takes place in our
reality ... in our linear time frame ... which is based on a combination of past and future intentions. We control
it completely.
Along with many others, got the facts below on the Internet right after the disaster. It's a short list of the
obvious "onces synchronicity." Coincidence? Look at it well.
The synchronicity of the onces
(1) Date attack: 11.9 is 1 + 1 + 9 = 11
(2) September 11 is day number 254 of the year: 2 + 5 + 4 = 11
(3) After the September 11th 111 days remaining until year end.
(4) 119 is the area code for Iraq / Iran: 1 + 1 + 9 = 11 (the date is also written in Spanish and the
(5) The Twin Towers, standing side by side, are similar to number 11.
(6) The first plane hitting the towers was Flight 11.
(7) The State of New York was the eleventh state added to the Union
(8) New York City: 11 letters
(9) Afghanistan: 11 letters
(10) The Pentagon: 11 letters
(11) Ramzi Yousef: 11 letters (convicted of orchestrating the bombing of the World Trade Center andn
(12) Flight 11 had 92 passengers on board: 9 + 2 = 11
(13) Flight 77 had 65 passengers on board: 6 + 5 = 11
(14) The deadyears in the Twin Towers including firefighters and police joined 2801 = 11 (NT)
Those in the metaphysics always look at the numbers ... forever. Consider this: The only two numbers that
were defined and explained in Kryon Book One in 1989 were eleven and nine ! The information was related
to the completion and permission. Now it is becoming clear what that means. Also remember this. The
number of the beast "was given as 666 = 18 = 9. Could it be that quand we were also seeing a veiled
prophesied in Scripture? The nine represents completion. Remember that most of the scriptures are written
in metaphors. According to the author Gregg Braden, even the prophet Isaiah said that we had the ability to
change the future. 1 ¹ I think we just do it.
Kryon said now that through human choice have chosen to move the process to create unity on the planet
... that this tragedy will be seen by lto history as the juncture for global change. Therefore, from this
perspective, we glimpse how, from now on, unimaginable things could happen-that the nations could come
together and form coalitions to agree on what "civilization on Earth" will and will not allow "that millions have
been have been "plucked out of the fence" through spiritual rage and will have to decide one way or another
to what energy is going to join or not.
September 30 was in a fourrto hotel when I saw on TV two interviews at different times on different
stations. One was with the Secretary of State Colin Powell. The other was with the king of Jordan, His
Majesty King Abdullah II. During these separate interviews, both men said exactly the same phrase: "It's time
to get off the fence ". I almost fell off my chair! Here were the exact words of Kryon taking place in current
events. This is not the first time.
Today we are seeing the energy that hasKryon block again and again and was published during the last
decade for all to read it. Now that this new energy start, and it is our own creation and free will, we will make
The Isaiah Effect - The Isaiah Effect (decoding the lost science of prayer and prophecy) by Gregg Braden
that elusive phrase ... the eventual creation of the New Jerusalem. Kryon also said these words over and over
again, " How will the Jews, the Earth will ". Are we starting to see maybe how it all fits together?
In Israel in 2000 I was on stage during my conference time evening and I told the audience something that I
was given by Kryon. I said nothing productive to happen to your situation " reach zero ( draw to zero .)
Honestly, I do not understand what that phrase meant. Then I received many questions and e-mail from
Israel about the exact meaning of those words. Did that mean a total war in its region? Did it mean
annihilation? I did not know. Only after the 11.9 fully understand that " to zero "Meant" zero "( ground zero .)
Nadie ... not one person at the meeting felt that the phrase would eventually have concerning an event in
Manhattan in the United States. It is now clear.
If you have the Kryon Book Eight, give him a look at the ISBN number (the computer code that is in the
back of the book.) ISBN numbers are randomly generated and given to the publishers for the classification of
the book industry to identify published papers. Its purpose is to control inventory and identification of the
industry. The first part of an ISBN number is the "master number" of the editor and is always the same. The
last two fields represent the unique identifier number of the book ... or, for a metaphysical, are the energy of
the book. The number identifying the particular Kryon Book Eight , Passing the Marker , Is 11.9. Coincidence?
Maybe. But how many matches on these numbers are necessary before we admit that perhaps we are giving
messages? When I did the compaginación end of the book, look at what fell Random page information of
11.9 in this book in its English edition (182). Numerologically, that drops to 11. Now look what page
completed (189). That comes down to 9!
What's next? We still have free choice. Suddenly, however, we must decide if we wallow in the old ways or
land clean up our act. We have until 2012, according to Kryon. Whatever our energies then, will our "seal of
intent" for humanity.
I said it before. Someday I will go home. When it does, I hope to meet with thousands of our family who lost
11.9. I want to say that what they did made a difference for hundreds of millions on Earth, for their future
children and for the universe. Then I want to hug them one by one and sing a song of heroes ... one with
lyrics on the 11:11 ... the day when humans decided what they really wanted on Earth and took control to
What's in This Book
This book is organized into sections on what happened before and after the experience of 11.9. Just as the
last book was organized before and after the turn of the millennium, it has a similar configuration, but for
entirely different reasons. As in the past, most of this book is the transcript of live channels around the world.
Just for Kids: No best way to start a book with humor and fun. Here is a pipeline from the past (believed
lost) of Bernie the Bird! This is one of the only pipeline faced children and given specially for the kids (but
really for all of us). Introducing the story of Bernie, the bird that was afraid to fly. Was first presented at the
Sedona Journal of Emergence in 2001. It was originally channeled in 1998 in Dallas, Texas. I'm glad we
The Chapters 1 to 7 pipes present before the incident of 11.9.
Chapters 8 to 13 Pipes have given 11.9 after the incident until April 2002.
Chapter 14 represents the real questions from readers, which originally published in the online journal of
Kryon In The Spirit .
Chapter 15 is a short article by Jan Tober on expanded consciousness. Did you feel "stuck" at some time
or really called attention to you in the crowd because they vibrate at a higher level? If so, are not alone.
Rainbow Filter may be the solution to become "invisible."
Chapter 16 is a real life story of Fete and Clement, two Lightworkers that tell the amazing story of their
escape from Africa. There is a story of trust and faith in the Spirit and emotional tribute to what happens when
you use your gifts of intuition and light. This was performed live in Montreal in 2001 Kryon conference given
by the hosts Marc and Martine Vallée.
As I write this Preface, I invite you to our website. It is very good, with a brand new electronic journal that is
free for all. It was designed and edited by Barbara and graphics professionals Rob Harris. It became a
favorite for many Lightworkers who visited him last year. According to our automatic diagnosis of the site,
more than 12,000 visitors per day are recorded in this newly designed site. Besides the new journal, there are
pipes (of course), a chat, an area to search for other like-minded about people and books, a complete
program of all our upcoming events and more. The philosophy of our website is not to be invasive. We do not
track our visitors, not ask for money (ever) take no mail addresses or names and there is nothing to join. We
just want you to feel free to visit, read, explore and go with the feeling of love of family. Simple.
We contribuyendo to the Electronic Journal regularly, myself, Jan Tober (co-founder of the Kryon work and
my partner present in the major seminaries in the world), Todd Ovokaitys, Peggy Phoenix Dubro, our editor
Barbra Harris and many others who are writing articles on science, pets, law, humor, astrology, crop circles,
energy work and (of course) the Indigo Children. In addition, the magazine offers topical questions and
updates and responses from Kryon, news and an excellent album of photos taken in all of our great
Go to [] for this experience.
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