Battletech - Field Report - Clans.pdf

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TO: Devlin Stone
FROM: David Lear
Date: 23 November 3079
It is hard to say whether the Clans are a threat or not at this point.
We lack a common border with them and they have plenty of nearby
targets like the Lyran Alliance, Draconis Combine or each other if they
get the urge to let of steam. But they are exhausted. They were ex-
hausted before they joined our march on Terra. Logically, they can’t be
expected to attempt any large-scale operations for some time, but that
has been said before too.
In the end, perhaps the biggest problem is not what they will do
to us, but what they will do to others. For better or worse, we brought
them into the Coalition and they are seen as our pets and our respon-
sibility. If the Falcons go of and tear a chunk out of the Alliance, the
Lyrans will see us as complicit.
It may be thirty years since the Clans were the bogeymen of night-
mares, but they still produce an emotional reaction out of all proportion
with their actual threat. If we can contain them, we will have removed one
of the great points of contention from the Inner Sphere. But if we can’t…
They are still annoyed with you over Terra. And no, it’s not because
they weren’t allowed to land. “This began as an Inner Sphere war, and
it must end as one.” Why did you have to say that? The Clans may not
see themselves as Spheroids, but thanks to our diplomacy they do see
themselves as citizens of the Sphere and they have spilt blood to prove
it. It could make things diicult. We invested a lot to invite them in, only
to tell them we only wanted them for their shiny toys. Unless we can
convince them otherwise, they are not going to be receptive to what
we have planned.
Anyway, the Clans aren’t talking to us much. We have had to make
heavy use of intelligence sources to put together this document and
the result lacks the detail I would have liked.
Field Report: Clans is a BattleTech supplement designed to provide players with information about the state of the various Clan
militaries (toumans) in the aftermath of the liberation of Terra during the Jihad (and before the eventual formation of the Republic
of the Sphere).
This irst section of this book— Clans Overview —is divided into two broad sections, a Strategic Update and the Goals of the
Clans . Strategic Update is a brief overview of the Clan militaries’ current conditions and perceived objectives, while Goals of the
Clans presents the political and suspected military benchmarks the various Clans in the Inner Sphere are likely to use in the future.
The next chapter, Logistical Status , covers the state of Academies and Command Centers throughout the Clan-held territories,
while Infrastructural Integrity will present an overview of the state of various Clan support assets in the wake of the Jihad.
The next chapter, Military Readiness , will present a speciic update on the status, oicers, and notable events of the various Clan
toumans, with an eye toward their likely future employment. Included are ratings for the experience and estimated combat
strengths of each Galaxy within the subject touman.
Finally, Irregular Forces covers the few cases where we see non-Clan forces serving alongside Clan allies (as in the case of both the
Ghost Bear Dominion and the Outworlds Alliance). As per their nature, none of the listed Clans make use of mercenaries in any capacity.
Project Development: Herbert A. Beas II
BattleTech Line Developer: Herbert A. Beas II
Assistant Line Developer: Ben H. Rome
Writing: Luke Robertson
Strategic Assistance: Øystein Tvedten
Production Staf
Cover Design: Ray Arrastia
Evolved Faction Logos Design: Jason Vargas
Map and Layout: Øystein Tvedten
Factchecking/Playtesting : Joel Bancroft-Connors, Roland M. Boshnack, Bill Derer, Joshua Franklin, William Gauthier, Keith
Hann, Johannes Heidler, Daniel Isberner, Mike Miller, Craig Reed, Andreas Rudolph, Chris Smith, Peter Smith, Øystein Tvedten,
Chris Wheeler, Patrick Wynne
Special Thanks : This product is dedicated to all BattleTech fans, past, present, and future.
Developer’s Note: For more information about the Clan toumans, or the state of warfare before and during the Jihad, check out Field
Manual: Warden Clans, Field Manual: Crusader Clans, Field Manual: Updates , any of the Jihad Hot Spots books, or Technical Readout: 3085 .
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First emerging from the void in 3049, the Clans have been a constant source of
fear ever since. The passing years have removed much of their mystique, but the idea of
a culture of genetically enhanced warriors, literally bred for war, with a completely alien
society continues to unsettle many citizens of the Inner Sphere. Eight of Nicholas Kerensky’s
original twenty Clans now call the Inner Sphere home. Some are newly arrived; some have
been here for decades—but what has become increasingly clear of late is that all of these
invading Clans are now unable to return to their home worlds. How both the Clans and the
powers of the Inner Sphere will adapt to this new state of afairs is uncertain and will require
careful management.
It is now widely believed that Word of Blake
always intended to attack the Clans. That their
entire Jihad was meant to be unleashed upon
the descendents of Kerensky rather than on the
collapsed Second Star League was one of the
great ironies conirmed over the last decade.
The irst time the Word struck directly
against a Clan (rather than a proxy, like the
Wolf’s Dragoons) was in 3069, when their
Dante’s Inferno agents successfully attacked
Clan Snow Raven’s Swift Wing Naval Star. The
next strike was the Scouring of Tamar, and the
attempt to do the same to Arc-Royal in 3070.
Omniss terrorists supported by Word of Blake
all but destroyed Farmindas in 3071, though by
this time the Ravens and the Outworld Alliance
were clearly involved in a conlict of their own
outside the wider Jihad. The Blakists would
successfully penetrate Arc-Royal’s defenses in
3072, and Clan Nova Cat would sufer damage
at Blake’s hands on Irece in 3073. Clan Ghost
Bear, as it happened, was only directly hit on
Radstadt in 3074, when their forces stumbled
on a Blakist operation there.
Beyond these widely publicized actions,
Clan Jade Falcon experienced a series of
uprisings across its Occupation Zone in
3072—uprising that ultimately spilled over
into its other Clan neighbors. Little is known
about the full extent of these events as
communications were already disrupted
by Clan Ice Hellion’s invasion. We do know,
however, that heavy ighting took place on
most of the worlds in the Occupation Zone.
With the exception of Radstadt, Word of Blake
proved notably incapable of exploiting the
active resistance groups within the Ghost
Bear Dominion. The only likely explanation
for this is the highly independent and
fragmented nature of the various Tyr cells in
the aftermath of the Bears’ annexation of the
Free Rasalhague Republic. Likely fearing the
possibility of once more “saving the Republic
just for another conqueror’s beneit”—as
many in the Dominion have come to see the
Rasalhague independence of the 3030s—
these rebel cells distrusted all who they did
not see as “their own”.
It has become a cliché that the Clans are unpredictable enigmas. Incredibly, despite
numerous alliances, increased trade access to the Occupation Zones, and the Clans’
notoriously inefective intelligence and counterintelligence agencies, we still know very
little about what has been happening within the Occupation Zones and in the Homeworlds
over the last decade.
We think that we know about a Clan Ice Hellion war with Clans Jade Falcon and Hell’s
Horses, but we still do not know what caused it, or even if the Ice Hellions still exist as a Clan
today. Our Jade Falcon contacts have been happy to gloat about their victories but provide
little more perspective.
We are certain that something major has happened in the Clan Homeworlds, but what
that “something” is, is vague at best. Even had we not lost contact with the Star League
embassy on Huntress, intelligence intercepts have shown that Clans Jade Falcon and Wolf
were forced out at gunpoint. The events that led to Clan Snow Raven’s concentration in the
Outworlds Alliance are less clear, but point to a catastrophic confrontation with at least one
other Clan. While we cannot rule out a Periphery cache, at least ten known Clan WarShips
have not been sighted since 3070 suggesting combat as ierce as anything faced in the
Inner Sphere.
Clan Hell’s Horses is more interesting. Nearly everything that we have seen suggests
that they gave up their Homeworld holdings freely in a move mirroring that of Clan Ghost
Bear—only executed in greater haste. In hindsight, it is clear that Khan Cobb initiated a
major war against Clan Wolf, irst in the Homeworlds and then with a well-planned assault
on the Wolves’ Occupation Zone, at least partly to establish for his Clan a permanent holding
in the Inner Sphere—but then something went wrong. Clan Hell’s Horses should have had
complete logistical dominance over Clan Wolf with easy access to the Homeworlds, yet
even now they are little better of, suggesting their supply lines are also broken.
We can only assume Clan Diamond Shark is isolated as well, but if so, they certainly
aren’t telling us. With the notable exception of their logistical support in the Jihad, the
Sharks have concentrated on acquiring trading posts across the Inner Sphere. We do
know that half of their touman has not been seen in the Inner Sphere, but whether they
have been destroyed or are simply stationed in their Periphery holdings, we have no way
of knowing.
In contrast, the Ghost Bear Dominion’s status is relatively straightforward. They have
spent the last decade developing their industrial capacity through a lessening of restrictions,
absorbing the social changes caused by the inal annexation of the Free Rasalhague
Republic, and persecuting a very violent war against the Word of Blake. At present, all of
these objectives have proceeded more or less successfully, though concerns are now being
raised in council chambers about how this is changing the Clan.
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