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Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . 1     WM_HEDITCTL and HE_CHAROFFSET .  6
Hardware requirements and basic          WM_SKB message  . . . . . . . .  7
limitations  . . . . . . . . . . . 1     SKN_TERMINATED  . . . . . . . .  7
Installation notes and                   REC_DEBUG . . . . . . . . . . .  7
procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . 2     clErrorLevel  . . . . . . . . .  8
  Installing the pen components--        Dictionary searches . . . . . .  8
  minimum  . . . . . . . . . . . . 2     rc.RectBound  . . . . . . . . .  8
    SYSTEM.INI changes . . . . . . 2     DRV_SetSamplingDist . . . . . .  9
  Installing the pen COMPONENTS--        RecognizeData and ink . . . . .  9
  complete . . . . . . . . . . . . 2     List of characters effected by
    SYSTEM.INI changes . . . . . . 3     ALC_PUNC  . . . . . . . . . . .  9
    PENWIN.INI changes . . . . . . 4     DLLs that use hedit and bedit
Shipping PENWIN.DLL with your            controls  . . . . . . . . . . .  9
application  . . . . . . . . . . . 4     Dictionary and recognizer ISVs:
Release notes  . . . . . . . . . . 5     When Windows ends . . . . . . .  9
  Hedits--delayed recogntion             SetAlcBitGesture,
  mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5     ResetAlcBitGesture, and
  PostVirtualMouseEvent  . . . . . 6     IsAlcBitGesture removed . . . . 10
  ALC_USEBITMAP  . . . . . . . . . 6     REC_ error values from Recognize
  ProcessWriting . . . . . . . . . 6       . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
  Microsoft user dictionary DLL  . 6     DIRQ_SUGGEST not implemented  . 10



                    Borland C++ contains sufficient components from Windows
                    for Pen Computing to let you to build and test pen
                    applications. A mouse can be used to get a rough idea
                    of how recognition and a pen will work.

                    However, we strongly recommended that you use Windows
                    for Pen Computing hardware (a pen, for example) during
                    the design and development process. This is critical
                    because a pen gives you an accurate feel for how an
                    application will work in real situations and because
                    the Microsoft Alphanumeric Recognition System (MARS)
                    shipped with Borland C++ has been optimized for a pen
                    and won't work as well with a mouse.

Hardware requirements and basic limitations

                    1. A driver for Microsoft-compatible mice has been
                       provided so you can do simple testing of pen
                       functionality. This pen driver is called

                    2. At this time, only VGA displays can be used with the
                       pen extensions. The VGAP.DRV display driver is a
                       modified version of the VGA.DRV that supports
                       inking. It's required if you want to test pen

                    3. Handwriting recognition with a mouse will be much
                       less accurate than with digitizer hardware designed
                       specifically for Pen Computing. The recognizer has
                       been designed to work with pen computers and
                       peripherals with true digitizer input and its
                       associated high data rates and high data resolution.

                    4. The spell checking technology included in Windows
                       for Pens must be used exclusively for the purpose of
                       improving handwriting recognition. It is not to be
                       used by applications as a spell checker or spelling

Installation notes and procedures

Installing the pen  =======================================================
           minimum  This procedure will result in a system that will let
                    you build applications that contain hedit and bedit
                    controls--and call any Windows for Pen Computing API
                    functions. You will not be able to perform handwriting
                    recognition or see ink on the screen.

------------------  The following items must be added or changed in your
SYSTEM.INI changes  SYSTEM.INI file so that the pen extensions will work.
             Note!  Back up your old SYSTEM.INI file before proceeding.

                    1. In the "[boot]" section:

                       a. Add "penwindows" to the list of drivers after the
                          "drivers=" key. For example:

                          drivers=mmsystem.dll penwindows

                    2. In the "[Drivers]" section:

                       a. Add a new item "penwindows" and set it equal to
                          the path to PENWIN.DLL. For example:


                    When Windows is restarted PENWIN.DLL will be loaded as
                    an installed driver and you will be able to run
                    applications containing bedit and hedit controls and
                    call the Windows for Pen Computing APIs.

Installing the pen  =======================================================
          complete  This procedure will result in a system that will run
                    pen applications and allow you to experiment with
                    handwriting recognition and inking functionalities in
                    your applications. Once again, interaction with the
                    mouse will prove inferior in every respect to
                    interaction with a true pen device--but this system of

                                   - 2 -

                    using the special mouse driver will allow you to
                    experiment and perform rudimentary testing of your pen

------------------  The following items must be added or changed in your
------------------  file so that the pen extensions will work.

             Note!  Back up your old SYSTEM.INI file before proceeding.

                    1. In the "[boot]" section:

                       a. Change the "display.drv=" line so that the
                          display driver is the pen capable VGAP.DRV
                          shipped with Borland C++. For example:


                          Only the VGA display device is supported by the
                          pen components in Borland C++.

                       b. Add "pen penwindows" to the list of drivers after
                          the "drivers=" key. For example:

                          drivers=mmsystem.dll pen penwindows

                       c. Change the "mouse.drv=" line so that it points to
                          YESMOUSE.DRV. For example:


                    2. In the "[Drivers]" section:

                       a. Add a new item "pen" and set it equal to the path
                          to MSMOUSE.DRV. For example:


                       b. Add a new item "penwindows" and set it equal to
                          the path to PENWIN.DLL. For example:


                                   - 3 -

------------------  The PENWIN.INI file contains a number of initialization
PENWIN.INI changes  settings for Windows for Pen Computing.
                    There are also two explicit paths that must correctly
                    identify the locations of MARS.DLL and MARS.MOB.
                    INSTALL will add the correct paths to PENWIN.INI but if
                    you move any files, open PENWIN.INI with any generic
                    text editor (like Windows Notepad) and change the path
                    to MARS.DLL and MARS.MOB so that it correctly
                    identifies points to the correct location.

                    Once the paths are correct, the file should be copied
                    to the Windows 3.1 root--that is, the directory
                    containing the Windows 3.1 WIN.COM.

Shipping PENWIN.DLL with your application

                    PENWIN.DLL is a fully redistributable component of
                    Windows for Pen Computing. Because applications will
                    seek to leverage the Pen API--hedit and bedit controls
                    in particul...
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