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                                                  Windows memory management


           Windows memory              Mixed-model programming: Addressing
           management              1   modifiers . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
Running out of memory  . . . . . . 1     Segment pointers  . . . . . . .  8
Memory models  . . . . . . . . . . 1     Declaring far objects . . . . .  9
  The '86 registers  . . . . . . . 2     Declaring functions to be near or
    General-purpose registers  . . 2     far . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
    Segment registers  . . . . . . 2     Declaring pointers to be near,
    Special-purpose registers  . . 2     far, or huge  . . . . . . . . . 10
    The flags register . . . . . . 3       Pointing to a given
  Memory segmentation  . . . . . . 3       segment:offset address  . . . 11
  Pointers . . . . . . . . . . . . 4     Using library files . . . . . . 12
    Near pointers  . . . . . . . . 4     Linking mixed modules . . . . . 12
    Far pointers . . . . . . . . . 4
    Huge pointers  . . . . . . . . 5   Index                             14
  The four memory models . . . . . 5

                    This document covers

    See Chapter 8,  o What to do when you receive "Out of memory" errors.
       "Building a
           Windows  o What memory models are: how to choose one, and why
  application," in    you would (or wouldn't) want to use a particular
  the User's Guide    memory model.
for information on
 choosing a memory
 model for Windows

Running out of memory

                    Borland C++ does not generate any intermediate data
                    structures to disk when it is compiling (Borland C++
                    writes only .OBJ files to disk); instead it uses RAM
                    for intermediate data structures between passes.
                    Because of this, you might encounter the message "Out
                    of memory" if there is not enough memory available for
                    the compiler.

                    The solution to this problem is to make your functions
                    smaller, or to split up the file that has large

Memory models

                    Borland C++ gives you four memory models, each suited
                    for different program and code sizes. Each memory model
                    uses memory differently. What do you need to know to
                    use memory models? To answer that question, we have to

                                   - 1 -

  See page 5 for a  take a look at the computer system you're working on.
   summary of each  Its central processing unit (CPU) is a microprocessor
     memory model.  belonging to the Intel iAPx86 family; an 80286, 80386,
                    or 80486. For now, we'll just refer to it as an '86.

 The '86 registers  =======================================================

                    These are some of the registers found in the '86
                    processor. There are other registers--but they can't be
                    accessed directly, so they're not shown here.

                                  Figure not available online
   '86 registers

------------------  The general-purpose registers are the ones used most
   General-purpose  often to hold and manipulate data. Each has some
         registers  special functions that only it can do. For example,
                    o Some math operations can only be done using AX.

                    o BX can be used as an index register.

                    o CX is used by LOOP and some string instructions.

                    o DX is implicitly used for some math operations.

                    But there are many operations that all these registers
                    can do; in many cases, you can freely exchange one for

------------------  The segment registers hold selectors which reference
 Segment registers  segment descriptors. These descriptors provide
------------------  information about the starting address of the segment,
                    size, access control, and use.

------------------  The '86 also has some special-purpose registers:
         registers  o The SI and DI registers can do many of the things the
------------------    general-purpose registers can, plus they are used as
                      index registers. They're also used by Borland C++ for
                      register variables.

                    o The SP register points to the current top-of-stack
                      and is an offset into the stack segment.

                    o The BP register is a secondary stack pointer, usually
                      used to index into the stack in order to retrieve
                      arguments or automatic variables.

                    Borland C++ functions use the base pointer (BP)
                    register as a base address for arguments and automatic

                                   - 2 -

                    variables. Parameters have positive offsets from BP,
                    which vary depending on the memory model. BP points to
                    the saved previous BP value if there is a stack frame.
                    Functions that have no arguments will not use or save
                    BP if the Standard Stack Frame option is Off.

                    Automatic variables are given negative offsets from BP.
                    The offsets depend on how much space has already been
                    assigned to local variables.

------------------  The 16-bit flags register contains all pertinent
The flags register  information about the state of the '86 and the results
------------------  of recent instructions.

                    For example, if you wanted to know whether a
                    subtraction produced a zero result, you would check the
                    zero flag (the Z bit in the flags register) immediately
                    after the instruction; if it were set, you would know
                    the result was zero. Other flags, such as the carry and
                    overflow flags, similarly report the results of
                    arithmetic and logical operations.

                                  Figure not available online
  Flags register
      of the '86    Other flags control modes of operation of the '86. The
                    direction flag controls the direction in which the
                    string instructions move, and the interrupt flag
                    controls whether external hardware, such as a keyboard
                    or modem, is allowed to halt the current code temporar-
                    ily so that urgent needs can be serviced. The trap flag
                    is used only by software that debugs other software.

                    The flags register isn't usually modified or read
                    directly. Instead, the flags register is generally
                    controlled through special assembler instructions (such
                    as CLD, STI, and CMC) and through arithmetic and
                    logical instructions that modify certain flags.
                    Likewise, the contents of certain bits of the flags
                    register affect the operation of instructions such as
                    JZ, RCR, and MOVSB. The flags register is not really
                    used as a storage location, but rather holds the status
                    and control data for the '86.

            Memory  =======================================================

                                   - 3 -

                    The Intel '86 microprocessor has a segmented memory
                    architecture. It has a total address space of 16MB, but
     The 80386 and  it is designed to directly address only 64K of memory
  80486 processors  at a time.
   actually have a
     total address  o The '86 keeps track of four different segments: code,
     space of four    data, stack, and extra. The code segment is where the
     gigabytes and    machine instructions are; the data segment, where
    their segments    information is; the stack is, of course, the stack;
     needn't be as    and the extra segment is also used for extra data.
 small as 64K, but
       Windows 3.x  o The '86 has four 16-bit segment registers (one for
doesn't change the    each segment) named CS, DS, SS, and ES; these point
     segment size.    to the code, data, stack, and extra segments,

          Pointers  =======================================================

                    Although you can declare a pointer or function to be a
                    specific type regardless of the model used, by default
                    the type of memory model you choose determines the
                    default type of pointers used for code and data.
                    Pointers come in four flavors: near (16 bits...
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