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Kindred of the East Companion
Kindred of the East Companion
Kindred of the East
Phyllis Bowen, Mark Cenczyk, Jess Heining, Amy Lindgren and Steve Long
Table of Contents
Kindred of the East Companion
Kindred of the East Companion
The screams of the dying became our symphony. Twisting with delight, we knew the agony of
sundering flesh.
A demon's place comes from Heaven; how else can Hell be ordered?
Creation gains purpose through suffering.
Before enlightenment, chopping wood and carrying water,
After enlightenment, chopping wood and carrying water.
- Zen proverb
Mystery and mysticism are hallmarks of the exotic East. No
single volume can explore all of the secrets of Asia. Each
conundrum peels away to reveal another layer more complex
than the last. For the Kindred of the East, the puzzles move
from the sublime to the etheric to the heavenly. Questions
have been asked; now is the time to answer them.
sections pertinent to their characters, so as to keep some
Chapter One: The Hundred Corpse Families relates the
history of the Kuei-jin's courts and the development of their
structures, families and traditions. The courts did not spring
full-formed from nothingness; they are the result of
thousands of years of undead interaction. The twisting roads
of history give insight into why the Kuei-jin organize along the
lines that they use.
This companion volume to Kindred of the East expands upon
the prodigious lore of that tome. Storytellers and players will
find material in here to satiate the most demanding
questions. Beyond the Running Monkey gifts of the Kuei-jin
are the enigmas held by the mandarins, arhats and other
elders of the Cathayans. Remember, though, that the exotic
must remain just that - exotic, shrouded and nigh-
unattainable - to keep its worth. Chronicles need to give
players and characters goals; the secrets of this volume are
perfect treasures for determined players. Use these powers
and this book's new information sparingly, as a spice to an
already unusual dish.
Chapter Two: The Demon People details many of the
hidden vampires of the East. The Kuei-jin are not the only
Chi-stealing unliving monsters in Asia. Game systems are
included for these different sorts of vampires, as well as
some clarifications of the Kuei-jin themselves.
Chapter Three: Ten Thousand Terrors looks at the
powerful Disciplines of the elder Kuei-jin, as well as the
lesser-known Disciplines from lost lore or areas on the
outskirts of the Middle Kingdom. The Kuei-jin have far more
versatility than most suspect, but the mastery of such powers
often comes with a price. Beyond the bounds of "acceptable"
society, Cathayans practice arts that are both spiritual and
Each section of this book details a particular brand of
material, whether historical, game mechanical or for
roleplaying. Players are recommended to peruse only those
Chapter Four: Wandering Directions elaborates on the
function of Direction in Kuei-jin society. More than just an
astrological convention, Directton has a profound impact
upon the duties of a Kuei-jin and her expected place in the
courts. While the young Running Monkeys of the modern age
may flout the old "superstitions," the elders and magicians
pay careful attention to the confluences of Direction.
Chapter Five: The Breath of Gods provides some detail on
the religions common to Asia. Buddhism, Zen, Shinto and
Hindu are all elaborated so that players unfamiliar with
Eastern religious thought can discover the nuances of these
powerful and widespread faiths. In addition, a look at the
Asian relations to Islam and Christianity rounds out this
theological treatise.
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Kindred of the East Companion
Chapter Six: Gweilo draws attention to the few Kin-jin who
exist in the East. Cainites in Asia risk all of the wrong kinds of
attention. Kuei-jin in the West are under similar pressures,
and survival isn't easy in a land of foreign and hostile
Ultimately, the Golden Rule rears its gilded head once more.
Players and Storytellers alike know what they want to get out
of their chronicles. The information in this book can take a
chronicle in many new directions, or it can supplement
existing stories. Take what works for your troupe; take what
Appendix: Rules of the Hungry Dead brings Kindred of the
East into line with the new changes and updates in Vampire:
The Masquerade Revised Edition. Game mechanics are
updated and elaborated.
How to Use This Book
Kindred of the East games already boil over with the arcane
and unusual. Adding the entirety of this book all at once may
be enough to send a carefully planned chronicle careening
toward unknown territory. Exercise caution and become
familiar with the new elements before diving headlong into
deep waters.
That said, there are several sections that can be useful
immediately. The expanded information about history and
directions gives new depth to characters and to their
development. Tossing in a few choice bits about the history
or current practices of the courts can add political tension
and intrigue to a world already crisscrossing with shadow
wars. Directions help players get a firm grasp on the
motivations of their characters, and are especially good for
introducing new players to the game.
New Disciplines, vampire types and Dharmas need to be
handled carefully. On the one hand, many players will delight
in the range of possibilities, and will want to include them
immediately. On the other hand, adding them all at once
cheapens their effectiveness - powers that are common are
""not surprising or terrifying. The scarcity of these new
revelations, and their uniqueness even for the Middle
Kingdom setting, must be maintained for them to keep their
The use of revised game mechanics, of course, depends
wholly upon whether or not the troupe uses Vampire: The
Masquerade Revised Edition. Players with those sets of
rules will quickly note minor but influential changes that are
reflected into Kindred of the East . Troupes that still use
Vampire: The Masquerade Second Edition may find some
of the developments in the Appendix confusing, though, and
shouldn't feel bound by all of the updates.
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