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Ten-Tec Orion/Orion II
Users Manual Addendum
Firmware Version V3
It is very important that you read this document in its entirety before using the V3
firmware. Some features behave differently than they did in the V1 and V2 firmware.
The purpose of this document is to identify the changes that were made to generate the V3 firmware
builds for the Orion Model 565 and the Orion II Model 566, [ Orion(s) ]. The changes include new
features, enhancements to existing features, and resolution of various problems. The V3 firmware is the
first version to support the Model RX366 High Performance Sub Receiver. The RX366 brings a new
level of performance for the Orion(s) and a competitive advantage for Contesters and DXers alike.
Pictures in this addendum are from the 566. 565 differences are noted.
What’s New:
Changes common to both Orion 565 and Orion II 566 are listed together. Refer to model specific
changes later in this document.
Added Support for Model RX366 High Performance Sub Receiver. [Refer to 74467, RX366
Instructions and Operation Manual for detailed information].
Enhanced Sub Receiver performance includes:
Ability to add three user installable and configurable hardware filters:
These filters are the same as used in the Eagle/Orion II.:
15kHz, 6kHz, 2.4kHz, 1.8kHz, 1kHz, 600Hz, 300Hz, (2.4kHz filter factory installed)
10dB Attenuator and 12dB Preamp and 9MHz IF Output .
V3 firmware provides the ability to fine-tune the frequency of the RX366 to within 0.1Hz of
the Main RX. Locked to eliminate drift.
To support the added filters and configuration thereof, the following menu items were added to
the “ Filtr ” Menu:
Sub-Rx Slot 1
Sub-Rx Slot 2
Sub-Rx Slot 3
New “ Filtr ” Menu in Orion II
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Added Support for the RX366 High Performance Sub Receiver [Continued]
Once the Sub-Rx Slot menu items are selected to match the actual filters installed into the
RX366, the software will select the appropriate hardware filter when the Sub-RX BW is
If all Sub-Rx Slot menu items are None, which is also the case when either a RAM Clear or
MASTER RESET has been performed, then the software will always select Sub-RX Slot 1.
While the 15kHz filter is one of the optional hardware filters, the DSP filter is limited to
9kHz for the Sub Receiver.
Added User Adjustable oscillator/frequency alignment between main receiver and RX366
Sub Receiver. See the “ Diversity “ section in the RX366 Installation manual for the
procedure on how to align the frequency of the sub receiver to that of the main receiver.
Comments on the RX366 and V3 firmware:
With V3 installed and the RX366 installed, the Orion(s) now have vastly superior performance to the
original sub-receiver in terms of immunity to interference from adjacent strong signals and immunity to
overloading from very strong signals present on the band.
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Added Selective Audio Filtering ( SAF ).
Selective Audio Filtering – An improvement on the industry standard approach to Audio Peak
Filter (APF) whereby a selected region within the passband can be amplified in audio for more
clarity. Improvements that SAF brings over current APF implementations include the addition
of a Width adjustment and the fact that SAF is available in all modes, whereas APF is usually
limited to CW only.
SAF uses the configurable NOTCH Center Frequency (CF:) and Width (W:) parameters.
Audio within the SAF region will be increased
Audio outside of the selected SAF region will be attenuated by up to 30dB from the
peaked SAF region. Amount of “peaking” and “attenuation” is affected by the location
of the Center Frequency and the Width.
Both the SAF and NOTCH receiver functions share the front panel NOTCH button to turn
the feature on / off. It is therefore necessary to configure the button to control either the
SAF or the NOTCH. The configuration is managed in the “ RX ” Menu with the addition of
the following two new menu items:
NOTCH Btn Main (selections include NOTCH or SAF )
NOTCH Btn Sub (selections include NOTCH or SAF )
New “RX” Menu in Orion II
NOTE: For the Orion 565, the two new menu items for NOTCH button usage are:
NOTCH Button Main (selections include NOTCH or SAF )
NOTCH Button Sub
(selections include NOTCH or SAF )
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Added Selective Audio Filtering ( SAF ). [continued].
As shown in the previous Picture, SAF was selected as the function for the NOTCH
button for Main, and NOTCH was selected as the function for the NOTCH button for
SAF action per receiver is identified by the presence of the text “ SAF ” underneath the
headphones for each receiver. The following picture shows how the menu selection in
the previous example is depicted on the main receiver display.
Main Receiver Display showing SAF enabled for MAIN
Note the text “ SAF ” underneath the main headphones. This indicates that the
NOTCH button, when MAIN-RX is selected, will perform the SAF function. Since
the NOTCH text shows off (instead of CF:xxxHz or W:xxxHz), this means SAF is
enabled, but not functioning yet. Pressing NOTCH would then engage SAF filtering.
If SAF had been selected for the SUB-RX, then the text “ SAF ” would have appeared
underneath the Sub Headphones. Since it is not shown in the above picture, this
means that when SUB-RX is selected, the NOTCH button performs the Manual
Notch feature.
There is also a method to change the function of the NOTCH button while on the radio
If MAIN-RX is selected, then a long press of NOTCH will change the current
meaning of the NOTCH button for the MAIN-RX. This allows the user to switch
back and forth between NOTCH’ing the passband, and SAF ’ing the passband.
This “change of NOTCH button meaning” functionality works regardless of whether
SAF is or is not engaged. It also changes functionality regardless of whether
NOTCH is or is not engaged. This provides the user an easy way to improve
readability of a signal, then notch that signal out, listen for the next signal, etc.
working contacts in sequential order a minimum amount of effort.
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Added Selective Audio Filtering ( SAF ). [continued].
SAF Adjustment Parameters
Center Frequency (CF:) – A frequency value that is generally between the minimum hz
value of a passband and the maximum value of a passband. Similar to NOTCH Center
Frequency. The values can be anything from 0hz to 4kHz.
Center Frequency is normally adjustable in 10hz steps.
When Width is set to 10 or 20hz, then Center Frequency is adjustable in 1hz steps.
Width (W:) – The frequency range to apply the SAF adjustment. Similar to Manual
Notch Width. The value range is 10hz to 300hz in 10hz steps. Most other manufacturer
implementation of APF does not permit a width adjustment. This is very helpful in
narrowing or widening the SAF region based upon the operational mode and the
conditions of the band and condition of the pileup.
Modes: SAF works in all radio modes, AM, FM, USB, LSB, UCW, LCW, AM, FM, FSK.
The fact that SAF works in any mode permits SAF to help work RTTY or other digital
modes that normally would not be copy-able without the signal enhancing capabilities of
SAF . Most other APFs only work in CW modes.
Added SAF /NOTCH Tracking (on/off) This is one of the new Scalable Diversity Tracking
SDT ” features that provides a mechanism for a user that wants certain parameters he/she
adjusts for the main receiver to also take effect in the sub receiver automatically. See the
bullet item for [Added Scalable Diversity Tracking “ SDT ”] for more info on the other new
Tracking features.
Comments on SAF:
CW Mode
Optimal use of SAF in CW is intended for improving readability of weak signals. Thus, SAF is
intended for occasional, and not general, use. Optimal SAF width for CW is 10hz or 20hz. The
SAF center frequency should be set initially to the sidetone pitch. First tune in the cw signal
and try to match it to the sidetone pitch - use the Orion(s) SPOT function to help. Now push the
NOTCH button to engage the SAF . With width set to 10hz or 20hz, slowly vary the center
frequency till the signal is optimally peaked. It s important to have the RF Gain correctly set to
enhance the signal to noise ratio with SAF engaged. The RF Gain is properly set if you engage
SAF with no signal present and you hear slight ringing at 10-20hz width. Perform this check by
just tuning in band noise with no signal in the passband and engaging SAF . No ringing means
not enough RF Gain and moderate ringing means too much RF Gain.
SAF can greatly improve readability of weaker ssb and am signals. The SAF width should be
set to 300hz. Tune in the signal and engage SAF . Adjust the center frequency for best
readability, usually in the range of 300-600hz.
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