Principles and Practice of Clinical Virology 5th ed - A. Zuckerman, et al., (Wiley, 2004) WW.pdf

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Principles and Practice of
Clinical Virology
Principles and Practice of Clinical Virology, Fifth Edition. Edited by A. J. Zuckerman, J. E. Banatvala, J. R. Pattison, P. D. Griths and B. D. Schoub
& 2004 John Wiley & Sons Ltd ISBN 0 470 84338 1
Principles and Practice of
Clinical Virology
Edited by
Arie J. Zuckerman
Royal Free and University College Medical School, London, UK
Jangu E. Banatvala
Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ School of Medicine, London, UK
John R. Pattison
Department of Health, London, UK
Paul D. Griths
Royal Free and University College Medical School, London, UK
Barry D. Schoub
National Institute for Communicable Diseases, Sandringham, South Africa
First published 1987; Second Edition published 1990; Third Edition published 1994; Fourth Edition published 2000
Copyright u 1987, 1990, 1994, 2000, 2004
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List of Contributors ................ vii
3 Hepatitis Viruses ............... 199
Tim J. Harrison, Geoffrey M. Dusheiko
and Arie J. Zuckerman
Preface ......................... xi
Preface to the Fourth Edition .......... xii
4 Viruses Associated with Acute
Diarrhoeal Disease .............. 249
Ulrich Desselberger and Jim Gray
Preface to the Third Edition........... xiii
Preface to the Second Edition.......... xiv
5 Influenza ..................... 271
Chris W. Potter
Preface to the First Edition ........... xv
Plates .......................... xvii
6 Parainfluenza Viruses ............ 299
Stelios Psarras, Nikolaos G.
Papadopoulos and Sebastian L. Johnston
1 Diagnostic Approaches ........... 1
Katie Jeffrey and Deenan Pillay
7 Respiratory Syncytial Virus........ 323
Caroline Breese Hall
2 The Herpesviridae .............. 23
Graham M. Cleator and Paul E. Klapper
8 Adenovirus.................... 343
Marcela Echavarria
2A Herpes Simplex................ 27
Graham M. Cleator and Paul E. Klapper
9 Rhinoviruses .................. 361
Nikolaos G. Papadopoulos and
Sebastian L. Johnston
2B Varicella Zoster................ 53
Judith Breuer
2C Cytomegalovirus ............... 85
Paul D. Griths
10 Coronaviruses and Toroviruses ...... 379
David Cavanagh
2D Epstein–Barr Virus ............. 123
Dorothy H. Crawford
11 Measles...................... 399
Sibylle Schneider-Schaulies and
Volker ter Meulen
2E Roseoloviruses: Human Herpesviruses
6 and 7...................... 147
Ursula A. Gompels
12 Rubella ...................... 427
Jennifer M. Best and Jangu E. Banatvala
2F Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated
Herpesvirus (Human Herpesvirus 8) . . 169
Abel Viejo-Borbolla, Cornelia
Henke-Gendo and Thomas F. Schulz
13 Mumps ...................... 459
Pauli Leinikki
14 Enteroviruses .................. 467
Philip D. Minor and Peter Muir
15 Poxviruses.................... 491
Inger Damon, Peter Jahrling and
James LeDuc
24 Human Parvoviruses ............. 703
Kevin E. Brown
25 Human Immunodeficiency Viruses ... 721
Robin A. Weiss, Angus G. Dalgleish,
Clive Loveday and Deenan Pillay
16 Alphaviruses .................. 509
Graham Lloyd
17 Flaviviruses ................... 531
Barry D. Schoub and Nigel K.
25A The Human T Cell Lymphotropic
Viruses ...................... 759
Graham P. Taylor
18 Bunyaviridae .................. 555
Robert Swanepoel
26 Human Prion Diseases ........... 779
John Collinge
19 Arenaviruses .................. 589
Colin R. Howard
27 GBV-C and TTV ............... 813
Shigeo Hino
28 Emerging Virus Infections ......... 825
Brian W. J. Mahy
20 Filoviruses .................... 611
Susan P. Fisher-Hoch
29 Hospital-acquired Infections........ 835
21 Rabies and Other Lyssavirus
Infections .................... 631
Mary J. Warrell
29A Infections Acquired via the
Blood-borne Route .............. 837
Anthea Tilzey
22 Papillomaviruses................ 661
Dennis McCance
29B Infections Acquired via Other
Routes ...................... 843
Philip Rice
23 Human Polyomaviruses ........... 675
Kristina Do¨rries
Index........................... 859
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