Mongoose Runequest 1e - Hawkmoon - Secrets Of Tragic Europe.pdf

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Secrets of Tragic Europe
Gareth Hanrahan
Interior Illustrations
German Ponce, Jesse Mohn,
Leonardo Borazio, Nathan
Furman, Philip Renne, Robin
Credits & Contents 1
Introduction 2
Dramatic Personae 4
The Honour of Count Tierkreis 9
The Lady in the Chapel 16
The Demon in the Crystal 32
The Moon Bog 48
The Divine Mother of Jaguars 63
The Guardian Machine
Of Soryandum 77
The Betrayal 95
The Crown of Chaos 98
The Time of Fire and Darkness 118
To Serve the Balance 132
Appendix 1 - Friends and Foes 135
Appendix 2 - New Monsters
Charlotte Law
Cover Art
Pascal Quidault
Print Manager
Ed Russell
Cover Design
Iordanis Lazaridis
Brian Bertrand, Sean Brown,
Tina Cook, Matt Dunn, Craig
Freeman, Cindy Freeman, Bryon
Gelineault, Paul Palmer, Robert
Chris Longhurst and Ted Chang
RuneQuest Logo
Anne Stokes
Special Thanks
Michael Moorcock
Copyright Information
Hawkmoon: Secrets of Tragic Europe ©2008 Mongoose Publishing. All rights reserved. Reproduction of of this work by
any means without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden. All art and text herein are copyrighted by
Mongoose Publishing. All signifi cant characters, names, places and items featured in Hawkmoon: Secrets Of Tragic Europe
the distinctive likenesses thereof and related elements are trademarks of Michael Moorcock and Multiverse Inc.
This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without written
permission. To learn more about the Open Game License, please go to
This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United Kingdom. This product is a work of fi ction. Any similarity
to actual people, organisations, places or events is purely coincidental.
RuneQuest is a trademark (TM) of Issaries, Inc. Produced under license from Issaries. All rights reserved. Printed in the UK.
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‘What is it?’ Hawkmoon asked the Warrior in Jet and
Gold. ‘Surely no natural thing?’
describe. Second is a baron of the Germanian court,
Count Tierkreis , the albino scholor, who has thrown his
vast inherited wealth into acquiring relics and tomes.
‘An ancient artefact,’ said the warrior, wrought by a
forgotten science and a forgotten race who sprang up
sometime between the fall of the Death Rain and the rise
of the Princedoms. Who they were and how they were
brought into being and died, we do not know.’
In the Secrets of Tragic Europe campaign, the characters
are hired by the eccentric Count to recover the secrets and
relics of the past. Guided by the journals of Joyeuse, the
baron sends the characters in search of several treasures:
D In the haunted mountains of Carpathia, the characters
face the peril of The Lady in the Chapel.
D In the crystal city of Parye, a jouster conceals the
secret of the Demon in the Crystal.
D In Eire, there is a village that appears only once a
century, where the ancients yet live. The characters
will fi nd it in the Moonbog.
D In Ukrania, the Mad God's crumbling kingdom
yet holds a deadly secret - the Divine Mother
of Jaguars .
D In Arabia, the ghost city of Soryandum left behind a
cache of wondrous treasures. Brave characters may
be able to fi nd a way past the Guardian Machines
of Araby.
D On returning to Count Tierkreis, the characters are
attacked and betrayed by the Dark Empire. Through
a series of unlikely events, they fi nd themselves
transported to the land of Garathorm, where they
endure the trial of the Crown of Chaos.
D Transported to the ancient days of the Tragic
Millennium, the characters battle in the war-
torn streets of old Londra in the Time of Fire
and Darkness .
D Finally returning to Tragic Europe, the characters
struggle for balance and justice as they learn To
Serve The Balance.
- The Mad God’s Amulet.
The Secrets of Tragic Europe campaign sends your
Hawkmoon characters delving into the hidden history of
the world. The ancients possessed science and sorcery
far beyond even the greatest dreams of the Serpents of
Granbretan and there are still places – haunted, secret,
terrible places where the relics of the ancients can be
found. To command these lost magics is to command the
same spells that brought the Tragic Millennium down on
suffering humanity.
Right-thinking men fear these relics. Sorcery – or dread
science – almost destroyed the world centuries ago.
In Tragic Europe, learning is distrusted and scholars
are feared. A good man is virtuous in his ignorance.
There are a few who have dared learn something of the
ancient’s ways. Count Brass of the Kamarg, for instance,
has invented all manner of weapons and cannons based
on rediscovered principles of science, while his friend
Bowgentle knows occult philosophies lost to lesser
scholars. In Espanya, the scholars of Al-Andalus preserve
some scraps of lost science and of course, Granbretan’s
might is founded on its scientifi c sorcery, its mass-
produced magic. The Serpents and the Ferrets seek out
artefacts and lore from the past, to put them in the service
of King-Emperor Huon and his dreams of conquest.
The Secrets of Tragic
Europe Campaign
In this campaign, the characters are assumed to be
adventurers or wandering sellswords, who are drawn into
the service of Count Tierkreis and sent off in search of
the various artefacts and treasures described by Joyeuse.
As they travel the length of Europe, facing all manner
of dangers, they uncover both the secret history of the
Tragic Millennium and their mysterious employer.
Of all those who seek the secrets of the past, there are
two whose names are repeated again and again in the
courts of Tragic Europe. The fi rst is that of Joyeuse , the
mysterious sorcerer and tomb robber of the early years of
the Tragic Millennium whose cryptic diaries and scrolls
are now considered almost as valuable as the relics they
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The campaign begins in Berlin (see the Hawkmoon
rulebook, page 33), where the characters are hired by
Count Tierkreis’ aide, Jarek , to fi ght a duel on the Count’s
behalf. If they acquit themselves well, then Tierkreis
hires them for several dangerous missions in pursuit of
artefacts described in the notes left by Joyeuse.
to come. It is possible to run Secrets of Tragic Europe
during or even after the war – sidebars will describe the
necessary changes.
You can also run the individual quests as stand-alone
adventures, instead of as part of this campaign. Again, a
sidebar in each adventure gives plot hooks to draw your
characters into the quest for that particular relic.
The default time period for this adventure is before the
invasion of Europe by Granbretan, before the Hawkmoon
novels begin. The Dark Empire is a rising threat and
has already captured Scandia and parts of France but
they have not yet begun to march on Parye or the Belgic
States. It is the brief summer before the bitter wolf years
Each adventure lists suggested numbers of advancement
rolls and Fate Points. Characters should be approximately
Seasoned (150 skill points) at the start.
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Dramatic Personae
There are six individuals, other than the player characters,
who will play key roles in the Secrets of Tragic Europe
campaigns. In many cases in the scenario, dialogue is
suggested for these characters and other NPCs – try to
avoid just reading this dialogue out verbatim from the
book but use it as a guide for how and what the NPCs tell
the characters.
calculating machines. The lights in the windows have
an eerie, pale-green glow and only one woman dances
solemnly in the ballrooms.
The albino desires above all to bring back the wonders of
the past, to raise Europe out of the ashes by the force of
his intellect alone. He also dotes on Lady Phora, who is
a guest in his house.
Count Tierkreis
The Albino Count of Berlin
Tierkreis comes from an ancient and wealthy Germanian
family and is the heir to an incalculably vast fortune. He
should be the most eligible bachelor in Berlin and one of
Prince Lobowitz’s closest allies. However, the Count is an
albino – pale, crimson-eyed, and sickly. He is too weak
to lift a sword or to ride a charger in battle and suffers
from wracking coughs and fi erce seizures. His doting
parents sheltered him all his life; he grew up surrounded
by books and scrolls and tutors and has little in the way
of social graces.
Playing Count Tierkreis: Tierkreis is, to put it simply,
socially inept, shy and rather ignorant to life outside
himself. He has trouble reading the emotions of other
people and can unintentionally insult people. If possible,
get the players to underestimate him.
Tierkreis left his family home in Nürnberg and came to
Berlin to pursue his research into history and sorcery. He
visited court once or twice but was roundly mocked by
the cruel Prince Lobowitz’s coterie of hangers-on and
sycophants. Tierkreis’ poor standing at court is the hook
that draws the player characters to him (see page 11) but
he pretends not to care about how others see him; his
obsession is the past, not the present. The albino count
is never without a book in his hand. However not a dusty
book; he has his servants carefully clean every tome,
because dust affects his delicate lungs and he begrudges
every hour spent away from his workshops and libraries.
He is prideful and quick to anger but also eager to
forgive and to show his friends the wonders of the past.
Emotionally, he is very similar to a clever child.
In Berlin, he has taken the fabulous Lietzenburg Palace
as his home and fi lled it with all manners of treasures and
strange machines. In the winter, other palaces in Berlin
glow with warm fi res, bright gas-jet lights and the sounds
of music and dance. Now that Tierkreis is in town, the
Lietzenburg is quiet save for the endless clattering of
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