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Outpost Qether
Outpost Qether
A Diomin Intro Adventure and Setting
for the RuneQuest Main Rulebook
Written by:
R. Hyrum Savage, Christopher T. Miller and Rob Holmes
Edited by:
R. Hyrum Savage & James Kovach
Kieran Yanner, Derek Steves, and Mike Chaney
R. Hyrum Savage
Jon Geraghty
Published by:
2640 O'Brien Place
Escondido, CA 92027
Outpost Qether is © 2006, OtherWorld Creations
The OtherWorld Creations and Diomin logos, are a trademarks of R. Hyrum Savage. All rights reserved.
Published Under the OGL License ©2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
“RuneQuest (TM)” and the RuneQuest logo are Trademarks owned by Issaries, Inc. and are used according to the terms of the
RuneQuest logo Licence version 1.0. A copy of this licence can be obtained from Mongoose Publishing. The mention or reference
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Open Content is clearly indicated by being placed on a scroll background. See page 30 for more information.
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Outpost Qether
About currency : The basic Diomin
coin is the copper senum, which is equal
in value to half a bushel of wheat. Next in
value - and more commonly used - is the
silver amnor, which is twice the value of
the senum or equal to a bushel of wheat
(the amnor is the standard pay for one
day of unskilled labor). The gold ezrum
is worth four times the senum, or two
bushels of wheat. The most valuable coin
in Diomin is the platinum onti. The onti's
value is equal to all of them together, i.e.
three-and-a-half bushels.
When purchasing supplies, use the
information included in the RuneQuest
Main Rulebook, substituting the senum for
lead bits, the amnor for copper pennies,
the ezrum for silver pieces, and the onti for
gold ducats.
"Let your plans be dark and as impenetrable as
night, and when you move, fall like a thunder-
- Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Outpost Qether is set in the mythi-
cal land of Diomin, home of mighty heroes
and foul villains. It is designed to serve as
a starting point for new plots, campaigns,
or even single adventures. Included with
the basic se�ing information is an ad-
venture, where the PCs will investigate a
secret Gadianti camp approximately one
day's march from the Outpost.
This adventure can serve as a point
for either the GM to create a follow-up ad-
venture, or it can be continued in "To Save
a Nation", part One of "Unto This End"
coming soon from OtherWorld Creations.
The world of Diomin is a magical
place. It is a world of Gods, magic, and
strange, new races. This adventure starts
off in the Tirasim outpost of Qether. What
follows is a very brief overview of the
races of Diomin.
While this will serve as an introduc-
tion, it is highly recommended that the
GM pick up either the d20 version of the
Diomin Worldbook, or the updated RQMR
version available soon.
Using this Adventure
Outpost Qether requires that you
have in your possession the RuneQuest
Main Rulebook published by Mongoose
Publishing. If you don't have it, run out
and get it. It's well worth its cost! You will
also needs some friends, a table, and lots
of dice.
Notes for the Game Master
About languages : For the purpose
of this adventure, "Common" refers to
the Tirasim language. Since Tirasim is an
offshoot of Zeredite (as American English
is an offshoot of British English), anyone
who speaks Common should have no
problem communicating within the Ze-
redite or Tirasim nations.
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The Arak
ticed grace, and have excellent balance.
Arak tend to wear leathers or sim-
ple loincloths for clothing. Warriors and
Shamans always drape themselves in the
skins of their clan animal (in the case of
the Dragon clan, how they get their skins
is a mystery known only to them and per-
haps the clan elders of the other clans).
Women sometimes wear a shift or a halter,
but sometimes not. Warriors, chiefs, and
women rarely wear any jewelry, save for
the most special of occasions. Shamans,
however, always have pendants, teeth,
fetishes, bits of carved bone, and other
tools of their trade.
In the language of the Arak, the
word arak means The First. This is the
source of their pride, their noble carriage,
and their isolation.
According to the other races of
the world, the Arak are little more than
blue-skinned barbarians. However, if you
called an Arak a barbarian, he would
probable snort and mutter, "What do you
know? You are but a simple T'endrak ."
Unless you spoke Araki, the fact that you
had just been named the worst insults that
one of the Arak can utter would be lost on
you. If you did speak it, you'd know that
he'd just called you a Second.
That is the core of the Arak world-
view. You are either one of the Arak, or
you are just a Second… simple, foolish,
and one of the lost.
The Tirasim
The Tirasim are human descen-
dants of Tiras, son of Zered VI and former
heir to the Zeredite throne. They are a
people who delight in the arts, politics,
and trade. They are the only democracy
on Diomin, led by the elected Chief Judge
and their other elected officials. They are
also a peaceful people who try to avoid
war but, when provoked, have mighty
armies capable of defending their lands
and people.
Physical Characteristics
All Arak have blue skin, black hair
and reddish colored eyes. There is almost
no variation among them. Most wear their
hair long. Warriors wear a single long
braid with bands of color that signify the
battles that they have won. Women, if
they do not wear their hair long and loose,
wear two braids; if married they wear the
same bands as their warrior husband, but
only in the right-hand braid. If the hus-
band is killed, the bands are transferred to
the left-hand braid.
Arak stand between 5'4"-6'2", with
males averaging toward the higher end.
Due to a lean diet they usually weigh less
than humans of the same height. You will
see few bulky Arak, but even the strongest
men in the clan tend to be thin and wiry
rather than bulky. They move with prac-
Physical Characteristics
The majority of Tirasim are light
skinned and have light brown hair. Males
average 6'2", but range from 5'8"-6'5".
Females average 5'4", but range from 5'0"-
5'8". Most men wear their hair short, usu-
ally very close to the scalp on the sides.
Women wear their hair long, with poorer
women usually tying it up in order to get
it out of the way for work in the home.
Most Tirasim wear simple tunics
belted at the waist; Judges and other high-
ranking members of society wear togas
over their tunics. Tirasim normally wear
sandals that belt up to the calf, although
soldiers wear hard leather boots.
Tirasim armor covers the breast,
abdomen, and back, as well as the head.
Tirasim soldiers are normally armed with
short swords and shields. Tirasim elite
have vambraces and grieves, and are
armed with long swords and shields.
The Zeredite army has always
favored numbers over technology, and
their soldiers wear only leather armor and
are armed with short swords and wooden
shields. High-ranking officers wear either
chain or plate, depending on the wealth
and stature and their House.
The Gadianti
The Gadianti are the decedents of
the Arak Jaguar and Tiger Clans, warped
by their goddess Akish into the form of
their totems. They are a foul, evil race,
who delight in nothing short of blood and
destruction. They are organized into three
castes: Priest, Warrior, and Slave. To be of
the Priest caste your mother must have
been a priest. Anyone who is not crippled,
mentally deficient, or deformed in some
way are Warriors. Everyone else is a Slave.
Their goal is the complete subjuga-
tion of Diomin and the offering of all non-
Gadianti sentient life as a sacrifice to their
The Zeredites
The Zeredites are human descen-
dents of Idumea, former First Son of
the Dragon Clan, and his people, who
were cast out by the Arak after the battle
between the God Barak and his arch-
enemy, Cedron. They are a mysterious
and corrupt people, prone to espionage,
Machiavellian politics, and war. They
owe allegiance to their High King, always
named Zered, but their complete fealty
is given only to their House. They have a
deep and abiding hatred for their brothers
the Tirasim, and look for every opportu-
nity to destroy them.
Physical Characteristics
Most Gadianti wear simple loin-
cloths and light cotton shirts in the cooler
climates. Due to their natural fur, they are
protected from all but the harshest weath-
Gadianti warriors wear only their
loincloths into battle, sometimes bathing
in blood before combat. Each grouping
of Warriors is dedicated to a particular
Lord of Darkness, and they are armed
with whatever is the appropriate weapon
for the God to which they are dedicated.
Gadianti Priests will wear robes when
officiating in religious ceremonies and
loincloths the rest of the time.
Physical Characteristics
The Zeredites are almost identical
to the Tirasim in how they look. Males
average 6'2", but range from 5'8"-6'5".
Females average 5'4", but range from 5'0"-
5'8". However, most Zeredites wear their
hair long, in plaits and braids whose col-
ors and adornments signify their House.
Most everyone of high enough rank
wears robes of silk and cotton, with col-
ors matching those of their House. Poorer
people make due with breeches and shirts
of low quality cotton or wool.
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