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Masterinq Your Hiddden Self
About the Author
SERGE KAHILI KING, Ph.D., has been actively engaged in the fields of
parapsychology, paraphysics, bio energetics, and social technology for more than
twenty years. His studies have taken him to many parts of the world, including most
of North and South America, Europe, and Africa. During seven years in West Africa he
conducted an in depth study of the magicoreligious systems, while at the same time
carrying out broad programs of socioeconomic development. For his latter work he
received a medal from the President of Senegal.
Besides Quest books Imagineering, Kahuna Healing and Earth Energien Dr. King
has authored Mana Physics, The Hidden Knowledge of Huna Science, and The Pyr-
amid Energy Handbook, and many articles, courses, and lectures in all his fields of
endeavor. A member of Phi Beta Kappa, he holds a Masters and Ph.D. degree and has
knowledge of eight languages.
Initiated by his father into an esoteric order of kahunas at the age of fourteen, Dr.
King has studied under some of the finest masters of psychospiritual knowledge
from Africa to Hawaii. He directs the activities of the Order of Huna International, An
ex-Marine, he lives in Princeville, Hl, with his wife and three children and is engaged in
research, teaching, counseling, and healing.
Hidden Self
A Guide to the HUNA WAY
Serge King
The publication made possible with the
assistance of the Kern Foundatton
The Theosophical Publishing Housc
Wheaton, HI. U.S.A, Madras,
India/London, England
Mastenng Your
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