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NoAction = $$- no action -$$
NoActionRequired = $$No action required$$
HelpText = $$For information on what Kitserver is, what you can do with
it and how you install/use it correctly, please read the manual.html
which is located in the in the "docs" subfolder.

Do you want to open the manual now?$$
HelpTextTitle = $$KitServer 2011 short help$$
ManualPath = $$.\\docs\\manual.html$$
MsgTitle = $$KitServer 2011 Setup Message$$
Err_UnknownExe = $$======== WRONG FILE! =========
File %s is an unknown EXE-file.
KitServer will NOT be attached to it.$$
Err_WrongExeType = $$======== WRONG FILE! =========
File %s is a %s EXE instead of a %s EXE-file.
KitServer will NOT be attached to it.$$
ParamGame = $$game$$
ParamSettings = $$settings$$
lGameExecutable = $$Game executable:$$
lSettingsExecutable = $$Settings executable:$$
lCurrentState = $$Current state:$$
InformationUnavailable = $$Information unavailable$$
bInstall = $$Attach$$
bRemove = $$Detach$$
bHelp = $$Help$$

MsgEnableAllQual = $$Do you want to enable ALL quality levels, including those
which aren't officially supported by your graphics card?$$
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