674 KB
Posterized Images
Sometimes you want to make a photographic image
look very graphic with crisp, sharp edges
and high contrast colors. You can do
this by first posterizing it in
Photoshop, tracing
it in Adobe
and then
editing and finessing the colors and
shapes in Adobe
This technique shows you how.
Luanne Seymour Cohen,
Creative Director at
Adobe Systems, Inc.,
shares a technique on
how to create cool
posterized images with
Adobe Streamline,
Adobe Photoshop and
Adobe Illustrator.
Open the original image in
Photoshop. For best results, use
a higher resolution image. 300-
600 pixels per inch will give the
best results in Streamline.
To get the best results in
Streamline you must first
simplify the shapes in your
image using Photoshop. To do
this choose Image > Adjust >
Posterize. Play around with the
number of levels, and turn on
the Preview button to see the
results. Don’t worry about the
number you end up with, just
pick a number that gives you
the best shapes while still
maintaining detail.
Posterizing in
6 levels of posterization
means that Photoshop
will use 4 tonal values
in each channel. This
means that for a
3-channel RGB image,
you’ll end up with
4x4x4 colors or 64
Save the file with a new name.
You can save the file in TIFF,
TIFF compressed, PICT,
Photoshop, or Photoshop 2.0
Switch to Streamline and
open the Photoshop file you
just saved. Choose Options >
Settings. Select one of the preset
Color settings. Don’t worry if
the number of colors is different
from what you want because we
will adjust that later.
Choose Options > Color/
B&W Setup. This is where you
will experiment with the
Maximum # of colors for your
posterization. Select the Add new
colors to custom color list. Select
Reduce detail. Deselect (for
photographic image) or select
Color averaging (for images
with large areas of color).
Streamline creates a
graph of the image
color values (histo-
gram). Then it divides
the colors evenly into a
color palette that
contains the number
of colors selected in
the Color/B&W Setup
Posterizing Images With Streamline
Click the Preview button to
see how the image’s color
shapes will be divided up. Keep
trying different numbers of
colors and complexity levels,
(don’t forget to click Preview),
until you are satisfied with the
shapes and level of detail in the
preview. The actual colors can
be changed later in Illustrator.
pays off
In the image at the left,
I tried several different
color settings starting
with 6 colors. I found
that 16 was the
minimum number I
needed to retain the
detail in the flower
centers. Anything less
and the detail I wanted
was lost.
Choose Options >
Conversion Setup. Choose
Outline for a photographic
image. If your image has a lot of
noise correct it by increasing
the Noise Suppression slider. If
your image has straight and
curved lines, make that
selection also.
Noise Suppression
Pixel areas with a
diameter measuring
the number of pixels
selected in the Noise
Suppression setting are
ignored during
Because you’ve changed some
of the specifications, Streamline
has given your settings a new
name. You can change it in the
Settings dialog if you want, then
click Create.
Naming Settings
If you make a change
to either the Conversion
Setup or Color/B&W
Setup after you have
saved your settings you
will need to resave the
new settings with a
different name.
Posterizing Images With Streamline
Once your settings are
adjusted, you are ready to
autotrace the image. Choose
File > Convert and Streamline
will begin the autotrace process.
When the tracing is complete,
choose File > Save Art As and
save in Adobe Illustrator
format. Streamline will add or
replace a suffix of
to the file
Smoothing paths
If the shapes that
Streamline created are
too complex or have
too many anchor
points, use the Smooth
Path feature. Select the
path or paths that
need simplifying.
Choose Edit > Smooth
Path. Choose Minimum,
Medium or Maximum.
Open the
file in Illustrator.
Choose Window > Show
Swatches and view by Name.
Notice that there are now
several new spot colors at the
bottom of the Swatches palette.
They are named “Auto Color”
followed by a number.
Auto Colors
The colors created by
Streamline are named
“Auto Color” and are
spot colors in
To adjust or change a color,
double click on an Auto Color
in the Swatches palette. Move
the Swatch Options dialog so
you can see the image. Adjust
the sliders to the desired color.
The artwork will update in the
window so you can preview the
new color change. Click OK.
Posterizing Images With Streamline
To adjust the tone of a spot
color, select its name in the
Swatches palette and move the
slider in the Color palette. The
new tonal value of the auto
color can then be dragged to
the Swatches palette. The added
swatch will retain the original
color name and have a percent-
age after it. You can then make a
selection in your artwork and
target the tonal color.
To clean up your file you
may want to remove unwanted
shapes, breakup complex paths
or remove points from a path.
To clean up shapes, zoom in on
that area. Depending on the
complexity of the image you
traced, you might have some
unwanted lumps and bumps in
some of the paths. Use the
delete anchor point tool, the
scissors tool and/or the knife
tool to simplify and split up
Once you’ve removed or
simplified the really complex
paths, you’re done. In the image
at the right, I added a gradient
and a stroke to the background
shape. This adds visual depth to
the image.
Adobe, the Adobe logo,
Photoshop, Illustrator, and
Streamline are trademarks of
Adobe Systems, Incorporated.
©1997 Adobe Systems,
Incorporated. All rights
reser ved.
Photography: PhotoDisc
Posterizing Images With Streamline
PS4.0, SL4.0, AI7.0
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Rysunek 10 - zastosowanie wiszorka.avi
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Rysunek 6 - Rysowanie zwierząt.avi
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